Page 1
10 iNCH TO ORDE:R REPAIR AH ports ffste8 here];_ moy be ordered through SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO_ or SIMPSONSoSEARS UMITED° When ordering the ¢o_olo@ o_'der house which serves the territory selling prices wi!_ be flJmished oe requesi or paris preva_lMg...
Page 2
YOU'VEJUST BOUGHT A QUAL!_ SEARS designed to give years ot: top pedorma_Bce ],io_ many froubb_ operation, a_se _ANUk,Lo ° co_spleisay • a_x:'uai;8@ Pay sr:,eciat atte_s i_m I_ssshi:-y 1_¢8- 5. WEAl SAIITY ILISSIS Saleb' fh_ss_s o_ _1_ /ield a_:_ safety in mi_d, concern :so [orsg as ¢e_ain...
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F_g_re ¢_'<'P iC;- ,_,o ... s /_-/ , IL " ; ilslj !IQi IA£i iILiDk I)_I,'==P, l(}I . !if _lti@ WI, Itf SIZ[S T_e lolIowin_ _able lists reeo_melsded @__,, mol_r le t_i _edi_i be _naint_ir_ed fo_ fraubte-free _eet or less feet leSS 100 leer...
Page 5
o_ 1ooose_ _e_ screw in cenle_ o_ _oh_m _i, g u_'e 7,) b. Loosc'_ e_! ho_ set _cr_:-_ ! 1'4 t_r_, T;igbi_n _@]mho_d sef s_cr_tw_ (See figure Tigh'_. leR hand set sc_e_- (S_-_ Jig_e eo T_rrl eh_vation ¢ra_k to _aisc- end figure t@¢...
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ma_e saw 1@oth ('A" figure 9) fo_o_ ',_he_ t_e sow blade is moved ir_ _nd o_ Re,-_i@_ien _e hex head screw_ (5_ %_e handle (See _igute Redneck t_ave] of b!_de _oot_ _) with 9, A_er fh,_ cross-<u1 bee_ accurately as_I] the re, dial arm ca_ (4, fi9ure...
Page 7
STEP RYE--SQUARING THE SAW BLADE _0 THE TABLE TOP ST_P SJXo,,oCBECKJN@ TNE SAW BLAD_ (&_ RIGHT) Ro_e o sq#ore ,_@o _st _he Hp fe_(e _s,showr_ i@ tgvre 17 The b__g e,g d _e[d fkmi¥ ogoi.s_ _he d}::_Fence arid the short _oi _am:h o_y oF _Be _ee6 o_ _be so_ No_e_...
Page 8
F_ L A_ ABLE = j :R<)DJT _> =: I F_gu_e Fi°gu=e 23 ATTACHING DETACHING THE SAW _ BLADE el, beale _he motor _orriage _ssemb_y a;nd ti%ht÷_! etrriiote J0ck knob (See ligure REMOVAL o. Place, open-end sl_of_ wrench inside oF sow b_ode Allow on _aw...
Page 9
OP£RATING COLOR CODING o_er{mng {oicl'[ord, tire ke_,d 1o _hoh r_soediv_z with ='@o= di_s pumA? di_e_I[,l o_ _h@ <outro[s. 1. RED arm h_de×in4j .,r_d [ockMg -RadkA _:a_edl _n <._rm latch hrmdle f20,, {igur_ 2, _IELLOW- Be'_e_ ind_ing Iockir_- hrmdle index ('[8i_nc bevel indic_Ior ORANG[ - $'= w_-...
Page 10
MOV£_c_INlr AHI POSITION OI THI MOTOR IH '_'HI YOKf eontr@_ed 1he ia_h lock knob bow:4 (_5) c_es d_e ,ongvlu_ posiHo_ o{ @me motor-wi_:h _espee_ _o theheH_o_!_t from O"'io 90 _ i_ elher ve_li<:olposition, The {o_,ch pi_ hcmdle =u!omot_c_ll{y igdex_a 45:. ,up _ad dowe, L_ {o rde_se_...
Page 12
Figure TANDARD C_OSS-C_TT[_G r'_e r,sd oi o_ _ust be posit oaed a_ 0 _odia_ @_m position Md[oator The c_,_ [ot_ indexed _igh#:_ed _',_ef@_ _o paragraph "Ang@t_," _4oven_en_ _ And Lock[r_@ Of r:hc yoke _s_' be ]r_dexed o_ _he 0 pos[fio_, _;ow Bl_de perpendicular _o _Be Np _en_-e a_d...
Page 14
]he dado a_ heod_ as i_isc_[_ed, blades c_tt_ _rao:_es o_d dodos. Craftsman edge Dedo Sea co_ he p_rcha_d at o_y Sears or Catalog Order House. The head co_s&1s of two blades 1/8 r' _h_ck, six I/8 _ _i_ick chipper washers _or 1/16 '_ width adjustments.
Page 15
ROUTING DOVETAIL|NG @_o _@cke_ @ {re_ the horizontal _×ce!_! the externally _h_ea@d end opposiie end is hetwe@_ #_e _otor _he _QbI_ r_p 5/64 _ _o 1/2"" Chuck T_e _ol o'win_ ro,u_e_s ¢_d dove$oi[s 3/E'" ra_er 1t2"" dovetoil may be done either _rovlng RouNn_...
Page 16
_AW KERF HN _'ENCE AND TABLE Fig#z÷ 3. [hare. is a p_sssibili_y th_J_ during a_ oher wand {rarff mb_e; spac_zr board h_r'ome s_ighHy 'wa_pedo Lay a #roigh_ s_Jrface D_[ the table end che_k for gaps tab[#. Any _{Jioa, s a,F _he tabJe shauJd b_z pruned and sanded...
Page 17
TROUBLE PROBAB'LE TRO 08&E He÷_ t_as net beem Bk_de "4_@ais' t@ right o_ ie_t _o O_i[ Cannot "r_p" pr@per_y_ smokes motor wood Maps, 2. Cros_ut fe_c_o_ are no_ square& _ O ° positem Biodu the table EJ_wation Erank ape,rares Col_smn _'ou_3h/y;...
Page 19
WHEN ORDERING REPA!R PARTS, A LW'AYBGIVE TH:EFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONAS ON THIS LIST 1° THEPARTNUMBER 2. THEPARTNAME A_waysorder by Pa_tNumber... not by Key Number P_f_ 30473 Pla_e Asse.mbl) Co,_@{ 448033 Sorrow, m_. t0-3_ Pa_, Hd S_o#ed, 37438 Co_:x _tdiaJ Are ° 1]S109 19123O F_I bid S[ot1'ed.