S7800A1142 Keyboard Display Module
The S7800A1142 Keyboard Display Module (KDM) provides
current system status along with first-out annunciation and
system diagnosis using a two-row by twenty-column readout.
The KDM provides local or remote annunciation of operation
and fault information, remote reset, report generation, burner
control data and diagnostic information. The KDM is part of
the 7800 SERIES of microprocessor-based burner controls for
gas, oil, coal or combination fuel single burner applications.
The 7800 SERIES is programmed to provide a level of safety,
functional capabilities and features beyond the capacity of
conventional controls.
The S7800A1142 is required to program the Valve Proving
feature of select 7800 Series devices.
Application ........................................................................
Features ...........................................................................
Specifications ...................................................................
Ordering Information ........................................................
Installation ........................................................................
Wiring ...............................................................................
Troubleshooting ................................................................ 12
Appendix A: Display Setup ............................................... 25
Display Setup—CLONE ............................... 25
The S7800A1142 KDM offers the following technical
advancements to the 7800 SERIES devices:
• Compatible with installed Honeywell 7800 SERIES
• When used with the new 7800 SERIES with Valve Proving
Feature, the KDM allows for programming the Valve
Proving Control feature and timing (Pass Code protected
• Allows for naming the S7830 Expanded Annunciator
terminals to match your system drawings. (Displayed
message only.)(Pass Code protected feature.)
• A three screen two-row by twenty-column readout set of
"Call Service" (Business Card) alpha/numeric directions
can be displayed instead of the standard lockout display
message. (Pass Code protected feature). This "business
card" can be cloned to other displays to save setup time.
• Enable ModBus Communication feature.
The Business Card (Call Service) and Expanded Annunciator
can be made up using:
• Capital letters (A through Z).
• Lower case letters (a through z).
• Numbers (1 through 0).
• Symbols (!, @, #, $,%, etc.).
• Spanish symbols.
Programming can be done with the S7800 KDM mounted on a
7800 SERIES Relay Module or with a 13 Vdc power source
connected to the KDM through the 203541 5-wire connector.
Since your Business Card (Call Service) S7800A1142 will be
left at the job site, programming your personal three-number
password and personal lockout message can be set up ahead
of time without being connected to a 7800 SERIES device. A
clone function allows you to make multiple Business Cards
from the original display.
Appendix A: Display Setup—Clear All .............................. 27
Display Setup—CEA Assign ......................... 29
Display Setup—CS ON/OFF ........................ 31
Display Setup—CS EDIT .............................. 32
Appendix B: Valve Proving System ................................... 34
Setup of Valve Proving Function .................. 34
Appendix C: Setup of Post Purge ..................................... 36
Appendix D: Expanded Annunciator Tables ..................... 37
Appendix E: ModBus Function ......................................... 38