1) This document has additional data to those at Page 1-6:
1.1) Below 56/64kbps Digital Communication, it is added:
"The maximum channel delay time for correct operation of REL356 is 24 milliseconds for relays
with Catalogue # MC _ _ _ _ (D,H,E,M,L)_ _ _."
1.2) Below 9600bps Audio Tone Communication Interface, it is added:
"The maximum channel delay time for correct operation of the REL356 is 24 milliseconds for
relays with Catalogue # MC _ _ _ _ (T,B)_ _ _ and 15 milliseconds for relays with Catalogue # MC_
_ _ _ (A,B)_ _ _."
2) Addition to page xi under REL356 Revision History:
Version 1.31
"This version includes the following changes from V 1.21:
The addition of a settable timer (by setting) for the channel alarm contact,
New setting parameter: CHAT = 0.0-10.0 sec, step 0.1 sec,
The addition of a selectable (by setting) Transfer Trip Alarm contact,
New setting parameter GSAL = GS/TTRP,
New Voltage Transformer ratio setting. The setting range for VTR 300 - 7000 has been
changed to 200 – 7000".
3) Correction at page 5-7:
"Test Conditions: Case 2 – C0=0, C1=0.1, C2=0.7, OTH=0.50 (OTH=0.70 for V1.15 or lower) should
be changed with Test Conditions: Case 2 – C0=1, C1=0.1, C2=0.7, OTH=0.50 (OTH=0.70 for V1.15
or lower)"
4) Correction at page 5-9:
Figure below Dual Unit Back to Back Test – Internal faults:
"TB6-6, TB6-6, TB6-8, TB6-8, TB6-10, TB6-10 should be changed with TB6-5, TB6-6, TB6-7, TB6-8,
TB6-9, TB6-10".
REL356 Addendum to IB 40-226 (Dated January 2001)