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System Settings Welding Robot Station M2004, IRC5 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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The document, or parts of it, may not be reproduced or copied without prior permission from ABB Auto- mation Technologies AB. It may neither be imparted to a third party nor otherwise be used without autho- rization.
Contents 1 Safety instructions System Settings M2004, IRC5 1.1 Description 1.2 Warning symbols (signals) 1.2.1 DANGER – Ensure that the main power switch is turned off. 5 1.2.2 WARNING – The unit is sensitive to ESD. 2 Calibrating the robot and the additional axes 2.1 Updating the revolution counter...
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6.4 Load Identification for IRBP A, B and D 7 Define payload for a mechanical unit 7.1 MechUnitLoad 7.2 Program execution 7.3 Limitations 7.4 Syntax 7.5 Related information 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
Safety instructions 1 Safety instructions A robot is heavy and extremely powerful regardless of its speed. A stoppage or longer stop can be followed by rapid, dangerous movements. Even if the robot's pattern of movement is predetermined, an external signal can affect the movement sequence, resulting in unanticipated movement.
The safety information in the document must not be interpreted as a guarantee from ABB that the equipment cannot cause accidents or injury, even if all the safety instructions have been observed. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
Safety instructions DANGER – Ensure that the main power switch is turned off. 1.2.1 DANGER – Ensure that the main power switch is turned off. Description Work with high voltage entails a potential lethal hazard. Persons subjected to high voltages can suffer heart failure, burns or other serious injuries. To avoid such injuries, never begin a job without first eliminating the risks to safety.
Safety instructions WARNING – The unit is sensitive to ESD. 1.2.2 WARNING – The unit is sensitive to ESD. Description ESD (electrostatic discharge) is the transfer of electrostatic charges between two objects with varying charges, either through direct contact or through an electrical field.
Action Info/Illustration 1. Move the robot's and positioner's axes to their respective zero positions (synchroni- zation marking). 2. Tap ABB, to open the service window. 3. Tap Calibration. Tap on the mechanical unit to be cali- brated. When the unit concerned is not...
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Calibrating the robot and the additional axes Updating the revolution counter Action Info/Illustration 5. Tap Revolution Counters. 6. Tap Update Rev. Counters. 7. The system awaits a response: • Tap YES if you want to proceed. Select, by tapping, the axes to be updated.
The measure is only necessary if the system has lost the calibration values (resolver values). The chapter describes the procedure for all robot and positioner axes where there are calibration values are available. Action Info/Illustration 1. Tap ABB, to open the service window. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Calibrating the robot and the additional axes Manual setting of the calibration values Action Info/Illustration 2. Tap Calibration. 3. Tap on the mechanical unit to be calibra- ted. When the unit concerned is not visible in the window, use the scroll bar arrows, in the lower part of the window.
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Calibrating the robot and the additional axes Manual setting of the calibration values Action Info/Illustration 8. Confirm the value by tapping OK. 9. The system awaits a response: • Tap Yes to restart. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
• Be precise when adjusting the position of the axis so that it lies in the centre of marking. The marking is made up of a machined groove or a machined notch on the gearbox respective faceplates. 2. Tap ABB, to open the service window. 3. Tap Calibration. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Calibrating the robot and the additional axes Positioners of the types A, L and MTC Action Info/Illustration 4. Tap on the mechanical unit to be calibra- ted. When the unit concerned is not visible in the window, use the scroll bar arrows, in the lower part of the window.
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Calibrating the robot and the additional axes Positioners of the types A, L and MTC Action Info/Illustration 10. The system awaits a response: • Tap Calibrate, to confirm recalibration. (10) 11. Tap Close. (11) 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
Definition of the tool data (tload) Definition of the tool data (tload) 3 Definition of the tool data (tload) 3.1 Definition of the tool data (tload) These are the movement related data that should be defined first. All movement is dependent on this definition.
Definition of the tool data (tload) Setup welding gun without BullsEye® 3.2 Setup welding gun without BullsEye® The position of the robot and its movements are always related to its tool coordinate system, i.e. the TCP and tool orientation. To get the best performance, it is important to define the tool coordinate system as correctly as possible.
Speed data for external axes 4 Speed data for external axes Use the following max. speed data for IRBP-axis: IRBP-positioner MTC 250 180 degree/s MTC 750 150 degree/s MTC 2000 90 degree/s MTC 5000 39 degree/s MIC 1.1 90 degree/s MIC 1.2 90 degree/s MIC 2.1...
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Speed data for external axes 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
Drivers Introduction 5 Drivers 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 General The drivers described here are dependent on the RobotWare option Production Man- ager. See Application Manual 3HAC024844-001 Production Manager. 5.1.2 Parts handling Handling parts from the RobotWare Option Production Manager is used to defined a job.
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Drivers Introduction Example Here the data pdvProgStn1 will be connected with partdata pdProgStn1. TASK PERS partdata pdProgStn1:=["ProgStn1", "Program station 1", "", 1, 0, "GapEmptyPart200.gif", "pdvProgStn1"]; PERS partadv pdvProgStn1:=[[0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,[0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],0,0,0]]; 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
Drivers RAPID instructions 5.1.4 RAPID instructions General Following procedures could be used in RAPID for use of handling of partdata and partadv. Procedures for partdata GetNextPart( \num gapTaskNo, num station, VAR partdata retData \VAR string instanceName) SetNextPart( \num gapTaskNo, num station, PERS partdata newData) UpdateNextPart( num station,...
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Drivers RAPID instructions UpdNextPartAdv( num station, partadv updData \INOUT num statusCode) Returns statusCode 0 OK , -1 no part selected for station, -2 no partadv selected in partdata 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
Drivers Safety position 5.1.5 Safety position General The robot is in an area outside of the positionerís working area. Procedures Action Info/Illustration 1. Welcome window • Tap ABB to continue. 2. Choose Production Manager. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Drivers Safety position Action Info/Illustration 3. Tap Setup. 4. Choose Set/Change robot safe position. • Tap GO. There is a position for each working area. If you are using a multi-robot system, this procedure must be run for each robot. Choose another robot by choosing the tab for the robot for which the safety position is to be set.
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Drivers Safety position Action Info/Illustration 6. Run the robot to the desired safety posi- tion. • Tap Start. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
The position for the mechanical stop for side 1 and side 2 must be adjusted to attain the right torque. The program guides you through adjustment. Procedures Action Info/Illustration 1. Welcome window • Tap ABB to continue. 2. Choose Production Manager. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Drivers Calibration of the station interchange unit for positioner IRBP Action Info/Illustration 3. Tap Setup. 4. Choose Calib interch position. • Tap GO. 5. Tap OK to start calibration and Cancel to cancel. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Drivers Calibration of the station interchange unit for positioner IRBP Action Info/Illustration 6. The operator is asked to move the robot to a position beyond the positionerís working area. • Tap OK • Run the robot to a safe position. •...
Applies to positioner IRBP, type C index. The interchange position for side 1 must be adjusted to attain the correct position. Procedures Action Info/Illustration 1. Welcome window • Tap ABB to continue. 2. Choose Production Manager. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Drivers Positioner IRBP without mechanical stop Action Info/Illustration 3. Tap Setup. 4. Choose Calib interch position. • Tap GO. 5. Tap OK to start calibration or Cancel to cancel. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Drivers Positioner IRBP without mechanical stop Action Info/Illustration 6. The operator is asked to move the robot to a position beyond the positionerís working area. • Tap OK • Run the robot to a safe position. • Tap Start. 7. The system warns the operator before station interchange.
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Drivers Positioner IRBP without mechanical stop Action Info/Illustration 9. Fine calibration of axis. • Tap OK to stop program execution. • Fine calibrate the mechanical unit and axis that are specified. section.“Recalibrating the axes” section 2.3 for a more detailed description.
The value is saved in data type partadv in the component loadAngle, which the pertinent part refers to in the component advPart. Procedures Action Info/Illustration 1. To change load position, the ABB menu must be opened. • Choose Production Manager. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Drivers Work positions Action Info/Illustration 2. Tap Setup. 3. Choose the station for which the load position will be changed. • Tap GO. 4. If no part is activated for the selected sta- tion, one must be activated for the sta- tion.
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Drivers Work positions Action Info/Illustration 5. Specify the desired load position in degrees. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
The value is saved in data type partadv in the component procAngle, which the pertinent part refers to in the component advPart. Procedures Action Info/Illustration 1. To change process position, the ABB menu must be opened. • Choose Production Manager. 2. Tap Setup. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Drivers Process position Action Info/Illustration 3. Choose the station for which the process position will be changed. • Tap GO. 4. If no part is activated for the selected sta- tion, one must be activated for the sta- tion. See section “Parts handling”...
The value is saved in data type partadv in the component serviceAngle, which the pertinent part refers to in the component advPart. Procedures Action Info/Illustration 1. To change service position, the ABB menu must be opened. • Choose Production Manager. 2. Tap Setup. 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Drivers Service position Action Info/Illustration 3. Choose the station for which the service position will be changed. • Tap GO. 4. If no part is activated for the selected sta- tion, one must be activated for the sta- tion. See section “Parts handling”...
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Drivers Service position 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
Identification of load data for positioners IRBP Load Identification for IRBP L /C 6 Identification of load data for positioners IRBP Since the data of the different loads that can be mounted on the external positioner can be quite difficult to compute, there is a load identification procedure which com- putes the necessary load data by moving the positioner.
Identification of load data for positioners IRBP Parameters and movements 6.1.1 Parameters and movements The parameters that are identified are: centre of gravity in a plane perpendicular to Parameters the axis, and moments of inertia around the axis, see Figure 4. Note that the mass of the load must be known in advance.
Identification of load data for positioners IRBP Load Identification for IRBP K 6.2 Load Identification for IRBP K A simplified view of positioner IRBP K is shown in Figure 6. Load identification is allowed on axes 2 and 3 for this positioner. Load identification can only be performed when axis 1 is in one of its end positions.
Identification of load data for positioners IRBP Load Identification for IRBP R 6.3 Load Identification for IRBP R A simplified view of the IRBP R positioner is shown in Figure 7. The parameters that are identified are: centre of gravity in a plane perpendicular to the axis, and three moments of inertia at the centre of gravity.
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Identification of load data for positioners IRBP Load Identification for IRBP A, B and D 6.4 Load Identification for IRBP A, B and D A simplified view of positioner IRBP A/ B/ D is shown in Figure 8. When the iden- tification is performed, the positioner must be positioned so that the z-axis is hori- zontal.
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Identification of load data for positioners IRBP Load Identification for IRBP A, B and D 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...
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Define payload for a mechanical unit MechUnitLoad 7 Define payload for a mechanical unit 7.1 MechUnitLoad MechUnitLoad is used to define a payload for an external mechanical unit. (The payload for the robot is defined with instruction GripLoad) When using the drivers MechUnitLoad is built in. This instruction should be used for all mechanical units with dynamic model in servo to achieve the best motion performance.
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Define payload for a mechanical unit Program execution Arguments MechUnit Load, MechUnit, AxisNo, Load MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mecunit The name of the mechanical unit AxisNo (Axis Number) Data type: num The axis number, within the mechanical unit, that holds the load. Data type: MechUnitLoad MechUnit...
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Define payload for a mechanical unit Program execution Figure 10 Payload mounted on the end-effector of a mechanical unit. Example Figure 11 A mechanical unit named IRBP_K of type IRBP K with three axes. MoveL homeside1, v1000, fine, gun1; ..ActUnit INTERCH;...
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Define payload for a mechanical unit Limitations 7.3 Limitations The movement instruction previous to this instruction should be terminated with a stop point in order to make a restart in this instruction possible following a power failure. 7.4 Syntax MechUnitLoad [MechUnit’:=’] <...
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Define payload for a mechanical unit Related information 7.5 Related information Described in: Identification of payload for external LoadID&CollDetect mechanical units • Program muloadid.prg Mechanical units Data Types- mecunit Definition of load data Data Types - loaddata Instructions - GripLoad Definition of payload for the robot Data Types - tooldata 3HEA 802352-001 Rev.
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Define payload for a mechanical unit Related information 3HEA 802352-001 Rev. A...