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Wenn Bestandteile ersetzt werden, müssen sie für den vorgesehenen Zweck und die entsprechenden Spezifikationen geeignet sein. Es dürfen nur Originalteile des Herstellers verwendet werden. Wenden Sie sich im Zweifelsfall an OEG. Regelmäßig müssen Anlagen mit brennbaren Kältemitteln auf die folgenden Punkte kontrolliert werden: •...
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Wichtige Hinweise Die in der vorliegenden Bedienungsanleitung enthaltenen Angaben und Empfehlungen sollten sorgfältig gelesen und zur Kenntnis genommen werden, da sie wichtige Informationen im Hinblick auf die sichere Handhabung und Bedienung der Wärmepumpe beinhalten. Bewahren Sie diese Anleitung an einem leicht zugänglichen Ort auf, damit sie auch in Zukunft problemlos darauf zurückgreifen können.
Allgemeines Auswahl des Betriebsmodus Inhalt Allgemeine Lieferbedingungen Heizmodus (Inverter) Sicherheitshinweise FIX-Modus (nur Heizen) Wasseraufbereitung ECO Ruhe-Modus Kühlmodus (Inverter) Beschreibung Einstellen der Uhrzeit Programmieren der Lieferumfang Ein- und Ausschaltzeit Allgemeine Merkmale 4.10 Aktivieren eines Programmes Bestimmungsgemäße 4.11 Deaktivieren eines Verwendung Programmes Technische Daten 4.12 Statuswerte...
Page 5
ACHTUNG: Bitte lesen Sie die Sicherheitshinweise aufmerksam, bevor Sie Sicherheitshinweise das Gerät benutzen. Die folgenden Anweisungen sind sicherheitsrelevant und sollten deshalb zwingend beachtet werden. Installation und Wartung Installation, Inbetriebnahme, Wartung und Reparaturen dürfen nur von einer entspre- chend qualifizierten Fachkraft unter Einhaltung der geltenden Normen durchgeführt werden.
Für einen optimalen Betrieb und eine lange Lebensdauer sollte der pH-Wert des Wassers stets zwischen 6,9 und 8,0 liegen. Beschreibung • OEG Wärmepumpe Lieferumfang • Zwei hydraulische Anschlüsse im Bereich des Wasserzu- und ablaufs (Ø 50 mm) • Installations- und Gebrauchsanleitung •...
Wärmepumpe geleitet und dabei erwärmt oder gekühlt. Die Steuerung und Regelung erfolgt über ein integriertes LED-Display und Tastenfeld. OEG Schwimmbad-Wärmepumpen dürfen nur in den in Kapitel 5.1 angegebenen Umge- bungstemperaturen eingesetzt werden. Bei der Planung von Anlagen sind die zu erwartenden Wärmeverluste des Schwimmbad- wassers an die Umgebung mit den Leistungskurven der Wärmepumpen abzugleichen und...
2.5 Exploding view 7,0 kW 9,5 kW 12,5 kW 15,0 kW 18,0 kW Explosionsdarstellung Art.-Nr.: 650 001 128 / 650 001 129 / 650 001 130 / 650 001 181 / 650 001 183 7,0 kW Nr. Bezeichnung Nr. Bezeichnung Ventilator-Schutzgitter Abdeckung Schaltkasten Fan protective grill...
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2.5 Exploding view 26,0 kW 31,0 kW Explosionsdarstellung Art.-Nr.: 650 001 200 / 650 001 201 Nr. Bezeichnung Nr. Bezeichnung Ventilator-Schutzgitter Deckplatte Fan protective grill Top panel Bedienfeld Elektrischer Transformator Control panel Frontplatte Electric transformer 4-Wege-Ventil Ventilator-Rotor Manometer Front panel 4-way valve Wärmetauscher...
ACHTUNG: Die Installation muss von qualifi ziertem Fachpersonal Installation vorgenommen werden. Der nachstehende Abschnitt ist nur für Informations- zwecke gedacht und muss geprüft und ggf. an die örtlichen Gegebenheiten angepasst werden. Benötigtes Installationsmaterial für Ihre Wärmepumpe: Voraussetzungen 3. Installation • Geeignetes Zuleitungskabel für den Strombedarf der Wärmepumpe. WARNING: Installation must be carried out by a qualified engineer.
Während des Betriebes neigt die Wärmepumpe zu Kondenswasserbildung. Das führt je Anschluss des nach Luftfeuchtigkeit dazu, dass größere oder kleinere Mengen Kondensat austreten. Zur Kondensatablauf-Sets Ableitung des Kondensats empfehlen wir den Einbau eines Kondensatablauf-Sets. Wie verbaut man das Kondensatablauf-Set? Installieren Sie die Wärmepumpe mit Hilfe von stabilen und feuchtigkeitsbeständigen Klötzen bei einem Bodenabstand von mindestens 10 cm.
Page 16
By-Pass assembly. A By-Pass is an assembly consisting of 3 valves that regulate the flow circulating in the heat pump. During maintenance operations, the By-Pass permits the heat pump to be isolated from the system without interrupting your Ausführung eines Hydraulikanschlusses mit Bypass-Set installation.
Page 17
Bypass-Installationsschema für eine Wärmepumpe Hydraulikanschluss y-Pass assembly for one heat pump ZUM SCHWIMMBAD y-Pass assembly for one heat pump Automatische Wasseraufberei- tungsanlage Schwimmbad Ausgang Eingang Filter + Pumpe VOM SCHWIMMBAD y-Pass assembly for more than one heat pump Bypass-Installationsschema für mehr als eine Wärmepumpe y-Pass assembly for more than one heat pump ZUM SCHWIMMBAD Automatische...
650 001 181 15,0 kW 17,7 A 20 A 650 001 183 18,0 kW 22,2 A 25 A 650 001 200 26,0 kW 9,8 A 16 A 400 V ~3 N 650 001 201 31,0 kW 11,6 A 16 A Der Netzanschluss der Wärmepumpe ist durch einen Fachhandwerker vorzunehmen.
WARNUNG: Elektroanschluss Die Wärmepumpe muss vor etwaigen Anschluss- oder Wartungsarbeiten rical connection unbedingt spannungsfrei geschaltet werden. NING: The heat pump’s power supply MUST be disconnected before any operation. Bitte halten Sie sich an die folgenden Vorgaben beim Stromanschluss der Wärmepumpe. omply with the following instructions to electrically connect the heat pump.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machi Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communic Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication w printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
Select the heating mode for the heating pump to heat the water in your pool intelligently Die OEG GmbH ist nicht Hersteller oder Anbieter dieser App und übernimmt ausdrück- lich keine Haftung für die Funktion, Sicherheit und Verfügbarkeit der APP sowie durch die App resultierende Schäden.
4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) 4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) Heizmodus (Inverter) ACHTUNG: Stellen Sie zu Anfang sicher, WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. dass die Filterpumpe funktionstüchtig ist. Step 1: Long press Step 1: Long press to switch on your pump.
4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) 4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. FIX-Modus (nur Heizen) ACHTUNG: Stellen Sie zu Anfang sicher, dass die Filterpumpe funktionstüchtig ist.
4.5 ECO Silence Mode 4.5 ECO Silence Mode WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. ECO Ruhe-Modus ACHTUNG: Stellen Sie zu Anfang sicher, dass die Filterpumpe funktionstüchtig ist. Step 1: Long press Step 1: Long press to switch on your pump.
4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) 4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Kühlmodus (Inverter) ACHTUNG: Stellen Sie zu Anfang sicher, dass die Filterpumpe funktionstüchtig ist. Step 1: Long press Step 1: Long press to switch on your pump.
4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Stellen Sie die Systemuhr wie folgt auf Ihre Ortszeit um: 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Einstellen der Uhrzeit Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Schritt 1: Drücken Sie...
Die Funktion ermöglicht das Programmieren der Ein- und Ausschaltzeit. Programmieren der Es können bis zu 3 verschiedene Ein- und Ausschaltzeiten einprogrammiert werden. 4.8 Programming start/stop Ein- und Ausschaltzeit Die Einstellung erfolgt so: This function is for programming the Start/Stop timing. You can programme up to 3 different Start/Stop timings. Schritt 1: Halten Sie 3 Sekunden gedrückt, um in die Timer-Funktionen zu gelangen.
Sobald das Programm festgelegt worden ist, kann es folgendermaßen aktiviert werden: 4.10 Aktivieren eines 4.9 Activating a programme 4.9 Activating a programme Programms Schritt 1: Halten Sie 3 Sekunden gedrückt, um in die Timer-Funktionen zu gelangen. Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: Schritt 2: Wählen Sie das zu aktivierende Programm mit den Pfeiltasten aus.
4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values Die Systemwerte können mit der Fernbedienung überprüft werden. 4.12 Statuswerte Befolgen Sie hierzu die folgenden Schritte: The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps. The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps. The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps.
ACHTUNG: Dieser Vorgang dient zur Erleichterung zukünftiger Wartungs- 4.13 Abfrage der und Reparaturarbeiten. Die Standardeinstellungen sollten nur von erfahre- Systemparameter nem Fachpersonal durchgeführt werden. ACHTUNG: Sämtliche Änderungen an den defi nierten Einstellungen führen 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query...
Drücken Sie und die Pfeiltaste 3 Sekunden lang, um in die 4.14 Zwangsenteisungs- Zwangsenteisungsfunktion zu gelangen. funktion Code Beschreibung Einstellbereich Standardwert 4.15 Parametertabelle Einstellung der Temperaturabweichung für 1 ~ 18 °C 1 °C den Neustart Reserviert — — Reserviert — —...
Betrieb Betrieb WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Unter normalen Bedingungen kann eine korrekt ausgelegte Wärmepumpe das Beckenwasser in einem Schwimmbad pro Tag um +1 bis +2 °C erwärmen. Deshalb ist es ganz normal, wenn Sie zunächst keinen Temperaturunter- schied in der Anlage fühlen, auch wenn die Wärmepumpe arbeitet. Ein beheizter Pool muss abgedeckt werden, um Wärmeverlust zu vermeiden.
Wenn Sie eine Umwälzpumpe an die Anschlussklemmen P 1 und P2 angeschlossen haben, Servosteuerung einer wird diese Pumpe automatisch mit Strom versorgt, während die Wärmepumpe im Betrieb Umwälzpumpe ist. Wenn sich die Wärmepumpe im Standby-Betrieb befindet, schaltet sich die Umwälzpumpe in Abständen ein, um die Wassertemperatur im Becken zu überwachen.
Wartung und Pfl ege ACHTUNG: Vor Beginn von Wartungsarbeiten am Gerät müssen Wartung und Pfl ege Sie das Gerät unbedingt von der Stromversorgung trennen. Reinigung Das Gehäuse der Wärmepumpe muss mit einem feuchten Tuch gereinigt werden. Tenside oder andere Haushaltsreiniger können die Gehäuseoberfl äche beschädigen und ihre Eigenschaften beeinträchtigen.
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush √ Check the earthing connections. attachment. √ Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant. qualified person at least once a year. Annual maintenance 6.2 Winter storage amp cloth.
7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi ACHTUNG: Unter normalen Bedingungen kann eine geeignete Wärmepumpe...
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Übersicht über mögliche Fehler Code Fehler Mögliche Ursachen Maßnahmen Störung Wasserdurchfl ussschalter 1. Unzureichende Wassermenge im 1. Überprüfen Sie die Funktion des Wärmetauscher Wasserkreislaufs und die Öff nung der 2. Schalter nicht richtig angeschlossen oder defekt Bypass-Ventile 2. Schließen den Schalter neu an oder wechseln Sie ihn aus Frostschutz Schutz wird aktiviert, wenn die Umgebungstem-...
Übersicht möglicher Fehler- ursachen Fehlercode E20 Code Fehler Mögliche Ursachen Maßnahmen IPM Überstrom Störung des IPM-Moduls Wechseln Sie das Invertermodul aus Kompressor Kompressor Wechseln Sie den Kompressor aus reserviert — — Kompressor Phasenausfall Kompressorverbindungskabel nicht oder fehler- Überprüfen Sie die Kabelverbindung des Kom- haft angeschlossen pressors DC Busspannung zu niedrig...
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Für Ihre Notizen … | Notes … | Pour vos notes … | Voor uw aantekeningen … Per i vostri appunti ... | Miejsce na notatki ... Inverter-Schwimmbadwärmepumpe...
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If components are replaced, they must be suitable for the intended purpose and the relevant specifications. Only original spare parts of the manufacturer are to be used. If in doubt, please contact OEG. Systems with flammable refrigerants have to be checked in regular intervals for the following points: •...
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Important information The instructions and recommendations contained in this manual should be read carefully and understood since they provide valuable information concerning the safe handling and operation of the heat pump. Keep this manual in an accessible place for easy future reference. The installation must be carried out by a qualified professional person in accordance with current regulations and manufacturer’s instructions.
Page 44
General Selection of operating mode Inhalt General Terms of Delivery Heating mode (inverter) Safety instructions FIX mode (heating only) Water treatment ECO silent mode Cooling mode (inverter) Description Setting the clock Programming start and stop Scope of delivery times General characteristics 4.10 Activating a programme Intended use...
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Important: Please read the safety instructions carefully before using the Safety instructions equipment. The following instructions are essential for safety and should therefore be observed strictly. Installation and service Installation, start-up, maintenance and repairs may only be carried out by an appropria- tely qualified technician in compliance with currently applicable standards.
For optimal operation and a long service life, the pH value of the water should always be between 6.9 and 8.0. Description • OEG heat pump Scope of delivery • Two hydraulic water inlet/outlet connections (ø 50 mm) • Installation and operating instructions •...
A different or extended use of the unit is considered as not intended. In this case, the safety and the protection of the unit can be impaired. Moreover, it could also result in damages to the equipment. The company OEG GmbH will not be held liable for any dama- ges resulting from non-compliance with the instructions.
nit dimension Unit dimensions 650 001 128 650 001 130 650 001 129 650 001 181 Crystal inverter Crystal inverter Crystal inverter 650 001 183 1130 Maße in mm Dimensions in mm Inverter swimming pool heat pump...
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2.4 Unit dimension Unit dimensions dimensions in mm Jetline Selection Inverter Jetline Selection Inverter 260 T 310 T 650 001 200 650 001 201 1130 1220 1,130 1,220 182.5 212.5 106.5 182.5 212.5 106.5 Dimensions in mm Inverter swimming pool heat pump...
IMPORTANT: Installation must be carried out by qualifi ed technicians. This Installation section is provided for information purposes only and has to be checked and adapted according to the installation conditions on-site if necessary. Required installation material for your heat pump: Requirements 3.
While in operation, the heat pump is subject to condensation. That will result in a more or Connection of condensation less large run-off of water, depending on the degree of air humidity. To channel this fl ow, draining kit we recommend the installation of a condensation draining kit. How do you install the condensation draining kit? Install the heat pump by means of solid, water-resistant pads raising it at least 10 cm.
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By-Pass assembly. A By-Pass is an assembly consisting of 3 valves that regulate the flow circulating in the heat pump. During maintenance operations, the By-Pass permits the heat pump to be isolated from the system without interrupting your Making a hydraulic connection with by-pass kit installation.
Page 57
Bypass installation diagram for one heat pump Hydraulic connection y-Pass assembly for one heat pump TOWARDS THE POOL y-Pass assembly for one heat pump Automatic water treatment system Pool Filtration + pump FROM THE POOL y-Pass assembly for more than one heat pump Bypass installation diagram for more than one heat pump y-Pass assembly for more than one heat pump TOWARDS THE POOL...
650 001 181 15.0 kW 17.7 A 20 A 650 001 183 18.0 kW 22.2 A 25 A 650 001 200 26.0 kW 9.8 A 16 A 400 V ~3 N 650 001 201 31.0 kW 11.6 A 16 A Mains connection to the heat pump must be carried out by a technician.
WARNING: Electrical connection The power supply of the heat pump must be disconnected before any connection or maintenance work. rical connection NING: The heat pump’s power supply MUST be disconnected before any operation. Please comply with the following instructions when connecting the heat pump to the power supply.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machi Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communic Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication w printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
Select the heating mode for the heating pump to heat the water in your pool intelligently 4.2 Operating mode selector OEG GmbH is not the manufacturer or provider of this app and expressly assumes no liability associated with the function, safety and availability of the app as well as with the Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is working and that water is circulating through 4.2 Operating mode selector...
4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) 4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) Heating mode (inverter) IMPORTANT: Before starting, make sure the fi ltration pump is working WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. correctly.
4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) 4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. FIX mode (heating only) IMPORTANT: Before starting, make sure the fi ltration pump is operating correctly.
4.5 ECO Silence Mode 4.5 ECO Silence Mode WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. ECO standby mode IMPORTANT: Before starting, make sure the fi ltration pump is working correctly.
4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) 4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Cooling mode (inverter) IMPORTANT: Before starting, make sure the fi ltration pump is working correctly.
4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Set the system clock to local time, procede as follows: 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Setting the clock Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Step 1: Press...
This function is for programming the start and stop timing. Up to 3 diff erent start Programming start and stop times can be confi gured. The setting is as follows: 4.8 Programming start/stop and stop times Step 1: Press for 3 seconds to enter the timer functions. This function is for programming the Start/Stop timing.
Once the programme has been set, it can be activated as follows: 4.10 Activating a programme 4.9 Activating a programme 4.9 Activating a programme Step 1: Press for 3 seconds to enter the timer functions. Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: Step 2: Select the programme to be activated with the arrow buttons Step 1: Long press...
4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values The system values can be checked with the remote control. Procede as follows: 4.12 Status values The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps. The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps. The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps.
IMPORTANT: This process facilitates future maintenance and repair works. 4.13 Query of system The standard settings should only be carried out by experienced specialists. parameters IMPORTANT: All modifi cations on defi ned settings automatically lead to warranty loss. 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query...
Press and the arrow button for 3 seconds to enter the forced defrosting function. 4.14 Forced defrost function Code Description Setting range Default setting 4.15 Parameter table Temperature deviation setting for restart 1 ~ 18 °C 1 °C Reserved — —...
Operation IMPORTANT: Operation Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming pool by +1 to +2 °C per day. It is therefore quite normal to not feel any temperature diff erence in the system instantly, even when the heat pump is working.
If you have connected a circulation pump to terminals P1 and P2, this pump is Servo-control of automatically electrically powered while the heat pump is in operation. a circulation pump If the heat pump is on standby, the circulation pump is powered intermittently in order to monitor the water temperature in the pool.
Maintenance and care IMPORTANT: Before starting any maintenance work on the heat pump, Maintenance and care make sure that the electrical power supply is disconnected. Cleaning The housing of the heat pump must be cleaned with a damp cloth. The use of detergents or other household cleaners can damage the surface of the housing and aff ect its properties.
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush √ Check the earthing connections. attachment. √ Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant. qualified person at least once a year. Annual maintenance 6.2 Winter storage amp cloth.
7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi IMPORTANT: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the...
List of error codes Code Error Possible causes Troubleshooting Malfunction water fl ow switch 1. Insuffi cient water in 1. Check operation of water circuit and heat exchanger opening of bypass valves 2. Switch not connected properly or defective 2. Reconnect switch or replace it Frost protection Antifreeze is activated when ambient temperature User intervention not...
Page 78
List of possible error codes Error code E20 Code Error Possible causes Troubleshooting IPM overcurrent Malfunction of IPM module Replace inverter module Compressor Compressor Replace compressor Reserved — — Compressor phase failure Compressor connecting cable not or badly Check compressor cable connection connected DC bus voltage too low Input voltage too low / malfunction of PFC...
Page 80
26.0 kW 31.0 kW Wiring diagram Model: 650 001 200 / 650 001 201 COM INT5 INT4 INT3 INT2 INT1 Outlet water temperature Ambient air temperature Condensation temperature Suction gas temperature Capacitor temperature Inlet water temperature High-pressure gas temperature H FAM...
Page 81
Für Ihre Notizen … | Notes … | Pour vos notes … | Voor uw aantekeningen … Per i vostri appunti ... | Miejsce na notatki ... Inverter swimming pool heat pump...
Page 82
Lorsque les composants sont remplacés, ils doivent être adaptés à l'usage et aux spécifications prévus. Seules des pièces d'origine du fabricant peuvent être utilisées. En cas de doute, contactez OEG. Les systèmes contenant des fluides frigorigènes inflammables doivent faire l'objet d'un contrôle régulier aux points suivants : •...
Page 83
Indications importantes Les indications et recommandations contenues dans ce mode d'emploi doivent être lues attentivement et respectées, car elles contiennent des informations importantes pour la manipulation et le fonctionnement sûrs de la pompe à chaleur. Conservez ce manuel dans un endroit facilement accessible afin qu'il soit facilement accessible à l'avenir. L'installation doit être effectuée par un spécialiste qualifié...
Sélection du mode de Informations générales Contenu fonctionnement Conditions de livraison Mode chauff age (onduleur) générales Consignes de sécurité Mode FIX (uniquement chauff age) Traitement des eaux Mode veille ECO Mode refroidissement Description (onduleur) Fournitures Réglage de l'heure Caractéristiques générales Programmation de l'heure de mise en marche et d'arrêt Utilisation conforme...
ATTENTION : Veuillez lire attentivement les consignes de sécurité Consignes de sécurité avant d'utiliser l'appareil. Les instructions suivantes sont importantes pour la sécurité et doivent donc être strictement respectées. Installation et maintenance L'installation, la mise en service, la maintenance et les réparations ne doivent être effectuées que par un spécialiste dûment qualifié...
Pour un fonctionnement optimal et une longue durée de vie, le pH de l'eau doit toujours se situer entre 6,9 et 8,0. Description • Pompe à chaleur OEG Fournitures • Deux raccords hydrauliques dans la zone de l'entrée et de la sortie d'eau (Ø 50 mm) •...
La commande et le réglage s'effectuent via un écran LED intégré et un clavier. Les pompes à chaleur pour piscines OEG ne doivent être utilisées que dans les températu- res ambiantes indiquées au chapitre 5.1.
nit dimension Caractéristiques techniques 650 001 128 650 001 130 650 001 129 650 001 181 Crystal inverter Crystal inverter Crystal inverter 650 001 183 1130 Maße in mm Dimensions en mm Pompe à chaleur pour piscine à onduleur...
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2.4 Unit dimension Caractéristiques techniques dimensions in mm Jetline Selection Inverter Jetline Selection Inverter 260 T 310 T 650 001 200 650 001 201 1130 1220 1130 1220 182.5 212.5 106.5 182,5 212,5 106,5 Dimensions en mm Pompe à chaleur pour piscine à onduleur...
ATTENTION: L'installation doit être eff ectuée par un spécialiste qualifi é. Installation Cette section n'est fournie qu'à titre d'information et doit être vérifi ée et, si nécessaire, adaptée sur place, en tenant compte des conditions d'installation: Matériel d'installation nécessaire pour votre pompe à chaleur : Conditions requises 3.
Pendant le fonctionnement, la pompe à chaleur a tendance à former de la condensation. Raccordement du kit En fonction de l'humidité, des quantités plus ou moins importantes de condensat d'évacuation des condensats s'échappent. Nous recommandons l'installation d'un kit d'évacuation des condensats pour évacuer les condensats.
Page 96
By-Pass assembly. A By-Pass is an assembly consisting of 3 valves that regulate the flow circulating in the heat pump. During maintenance operations, the By-Pass permits the heat pump to be isolated from the system without interrupting your Réalisation d'un raccord hydraulique avec kit de dérivation installation.
Page 97
Kit de dérivation pour une pompe à chaleur Raccordement hydraulique y-Pass assembly for one heat pump VERS LA PISCINE y-Pass assembly for one heat pump Station de traite- ment automa- tique de l'eau piscine sortie entrée fi ltre + pompe DEPUIS LA PISCINE y-Pass assembly for more than one heat pump Kit de dérivation pour plusieurs pompes à...
650 001 181 15,0 kW 17,7 A 20 A 18,0 kW 650 001 183 22,2 A 25 A 650 001 200 26,0 kW 9,8 A 16 A 400 V ~3 N 650 001 201 31,0 kW 11,6 A 16 A Le raccordement au réseau de la pompe à...
ATTENTION : Raccordement électrique Avant toute opération de raccordement ou de maintenance, la pompe rical connection à chaleur doit impérativement être débranchée de l'alimentation NING: The heat pump’s power supply MUST be disconnected before any operation. électrique. omply with the following instructions to electrically connect the heat pump. Lors du raccordement de la pompe à...
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machi Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communic Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication w printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
WIFI a été établie. Select the heating mode for the heating pump to heat the water in your pool intelligently La société OEG GmbH n'est pas le fabricant ou le prestataire de cette application et 4.2 Operating mode selector décline expressément toute responsabilité...
4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) 4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) Mode chauff age (onduleur) ATTENTION : Assurez-vous à l'avance que la pompe de fi ltration WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. fonctionne correctement.
4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) 4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Mode FIX (uniquement ATTENTION : Assurez-vous à l'avance que la pompe de fi ltration chauff age) fonctionne correctement.
4.5 ECO Silence Mode 4.5 ECO Silence Mode WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Mode veille ECO ATTENTION : Assurez-vous à l'avance que la pompe de fi ltration fonctionne correctement.
4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) 4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Mode refroidissement ATTENTION: Assurez-vous à l'avance que la pompe de fi ltration (onduleur) fonctionne correctement.
4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Réglez l'horloge du système sur votre heure locale comme suit : 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Réglage de l'heure Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Étape 1: Appuyez sur la touche...
Cette fonction permet de programmer l'heure de mise en marche et d'arrêt. Programmation de l'heure Il est possible de confi gurer jusqu'à 3 temps de mise en marche et d'arrêt diff érents. 4.8 Programming start/stop de mise en marche et d'arrêt Le réglage doit être eff ectué...
Une fois le programme défi ni, il peut être activé comme suit : 4.10 Activation d'un programme 4.9 Activating a programme 4.9 Activating a programme Étape 1: Appuyez sur la touche pendant 3 secondes pour entrer dans les fonctions Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: de la minuterie.
4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values Les valeurs du système peuvent être vérifi ées à l'aide de la télécommande. 4.12 Valeurs d'état Suivez les étapes suivantes : The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps. The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps.
ATTENTION : Ce processus sert à faciliter les futurs travaux d'entretien 4.13 Interroger les paramètres et de réparation. Les réglages par défaut ne doivent être modifi és que par du système un spécialiste expérimenté. ATTENTION : Toute modifi cation des paramètres 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query...
Appuyez sur la touche et la touche pendant 3 secondes pour entrer 4.14 Fonction de dans la fonction dégivrage forcé. dégivrage forcé Code Description Plage de réglage Valeur par défaut 4.15 Tableau des paramètres Réglage de l'écart de température 1 ~ 18 °C 1 °C pour le redémarrage Réservé...
Fonctionnement NOTE IMPORTANTE : Fonctionnement Dans des conditions normales, une pompe à chaleur correctement dimen- sionnée peut réchauff er l'eau de la piscine de +1 à +2 °C par jour. Il est de ce fait tout à fait normal de ne pas sentir de diff érence de température dans l'installation au début, même si la pompe à...
Si vous avez raccordé un circulateur aux bornes P1 et P2, il se met en marche automa- Servocommande du circula- tiquement lorsque la pompe à chaleur est en marche. teur Lorsque la pompe à chaleur est en veille, le circulateur est alimenté en énergie avec des interruptions pour surveiller la température de l'eau de la piscine.
Maintenance et Entretien ATTENTION : Avant d'eff ectuer des travaux d'entretien sur la pompe Maintenance et Entretien à chaleur, l'alimentation électrique doit être coupée. Nettoyage Le boîtier de la pompe à chaleur doit être nettoyé avec un chiff on humide. L'utilisation de produits de nettoyage ou d'autres produits ménagers peut endommager la surface du boîtier et nuire au fonctionnement de la pompe à...
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush √ Check the earthing connections. attachment. √ Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant. qualified person at least once a year. Annual maintenance 6.2 Winter storage amp cloth.
7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi ATTENTION : Dans des conditions normales, une pompe à...
Aperçu des erreurs possibles Code Erreur Causes possibles Mesures de dépannage Défaut de l'nterrupteur de débit d'eau 1. Quantité d'eau insuffi sante dans l'échangeur 1. Vérifi ez le fonctionnement du circuit d'eau thermique. et l'ouverture des vannes de dérivation. 2. Interrupteur non connecté 2.
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Aperçu des erreurs possibles code d'erreur E20 Code Erreur Causes possibles Mesures de dépannage Surintensité IPM Défaut du module IPM Remplacez le module onduleur. Compresseur Compresseur Remplacez le compresseur. Réservé — — Compresseur défaillance de phase Câble de raccordement du compresseur non ou Vérifiez la connexion par câble du compresseur.
Page 120
26,0 kW 31,0 kW Schéma électrique Modèle : 650 001 200 / 650 001 201 COM INT5 INT4 INT3 INT2 INT1 température de sortie de l'eau température de l'air ambiant température de condensation température des gaz aspirés température du condensateur température d'entrée d'eau...
Page 121
Für Ihre Notizen … | Notes … | Pour vos notes … | Voor uw aantekeningen … Per i vostri appunti ... | Miejsce na notatki ... Pompe à chaleur pour piscine à onduleur...
Page 122
Wanneer componenten worden vervangen, moeten deze geschikt zijn voor het beoogde doel en specificaties. Alleen origi- nele onderdelen van de fabrikant mogen worden gebruikt. Neem bij twijfel contact op met OEG. Periodiek moeten installa- ties met ontvlambare koelmiddelen op de volgende punten gecontroleerd worden: •...
Page 123
Belangrijke opmerkingen De informatie en aanbevelingen in deze bedieningsinstructies moeten zorgvuldig worden gelezen en in acht worden genomen, omdat ze belangrijke informatie bevatten met be- trekking tot de veilige hantering en bediening van de warmtepomp. Bewaar deze handleiding op een gemakkelijk toegankelijke locatie, zodat u hem later probleemloos kunt gebruiken.
Page 124
Algemeen Verwarmingsmodus (inverter) Inhoud Algemene leverings- FIX-modus (alleen verwarmen) voorwaarden ECO-rustmodus Veiligheidsopmerkingen Koelmodus (inverter) Watertoebereiding Instelling van de tijd Instelling van Aan-/Uit- Beschrijving programma tijdschakelaar 4.10 Levering Activering van een programma 4.11 Deactivering van een Algemene gegevens programma Beoogd gebruik 4.12 Statuswaarden Technische gegevens...
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Belangrijke opmerking: lees de veiligheidsinstructies zorgvuldig voordat Veiligheidsopmerkingen u het apparaat gebruikt. De volgende instructies zijn veiligheidsrelevant en moeten daarom expliciet opgevolgd worden. Installatie en onderhoud Installatie, inbedrijfstelling, onderhoud en reparaties mogen alleen worden uitgevoerd door een gekwalificeerde specialist in overeenstemming met de geldende normen. Voordat u werkzaamheden (installatie, inbedrijfstelling, gebruik en onderhoud) uitvoert, is het noodzakelijk dat de verantwoordelijke persoon met alle instructies in de installatie- handleiding en de technische details van de warmtepomp bekend is.
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Voor een optimale werking en een lange levensduur moet de pH-waarde van het water altijd tussen 6,9 en 8,0 liggen. Beschrijving • OEG warmtepomp Levering • Twee hydraulische aansluitingen in de buurt van de water in- en uitlaat (Ø 50 mm) •...
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Elk ander of langdurig gebruik van het apparaat wordt als oneigenlijk beschouwd. In dit geval kan de veiligheid in het gedrang komen. Bovendien kan er schade aan de apparatuur ontstaan. Voor alle hieruit voortvloeiende schade is het bedrijf OEG GmbH niet aansprakelijk.
Page 132
2.5 Exploding view 26,0 kW 31,0 kW Explosietekening Art.-nr. 650 001 200 / 650 001 201 Nr. Onderdeel Nr. Onderdeel ventilator-beschermgaas afdekpaneel Fan protective grill Top panel afdekpaneel elektrische transformator Control panel voorpaneel Electric transformer 4-wegklep ventilator rotor manometer Front panel...
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Belangrijke opmerking: de installatie moet worden uitgevoerd door een Installatie gekwalifi ceerde specialist. Deze sectie is uitsluitend bedoeld ter informatie en moet worden gecontroleerd en indien nodig aangepast, rekening houdend met de installatievoorwaarden ter plekke. Vereist installatiemateriaal voor uw warmtepomp: Voorwaarden 3.
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Tijdens bedrijf heeft de warmtepomp de neiging om condensatie te vormen. Afhankelijk Aataansluiting conden- van de luchtvochtigheid veroorzaakt dit, dat grotere of kleinere hoeveelheden condensaat saatafvoerset ontsnappen. Om het condensaat af te voeren, adviseren wij de installatie van een conden- saatafvoerset.
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By-Pass assembly. A By-Pass is an assembly consisting of 3 valves that regulate the flow circulating in the heat pump. During maintenance operations, the By-Pass permits the heat pump to be isolated from the system without interrupting your Ontwerp van een hydraulische verbinding met bypass-set installation.
Page 137
Bypass-set installatieschema voor een warmtepomp Hydraulische aansluiting y-Pass assembly for one heat pump naar zwembad y-Pass assembly for one heat pump Automatische waterzuiverings installatie zwembad uitgang ingang fi lter & pomp VAN ZWEMBAD y-Pass assembly for more than one heat pump Bypass-set installatieschema voor meerdere warmtepomp y-Pass assembly for more than one heat pump naar zwembad...
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15,0 kW 650 001 181 17,7 A 20 A 650 001 183 18,0 kW 22,2 A 25 A 650 001 200 26,0 kW 9,8 A 16 A 400 V ~3 N 650 001 201 31,0 kW 11,6 A 16 A De netaansluiting van de warmtepomp moet door een vakman worden uitgevoerd.
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WAARSCHUWING: De warmtepomp moet worden losgekoppeld van de Elektrische aansluiting stroomvoorziening voordat er verbinding wordt gemaakt of onderhouds- rical connection werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd. NING: The heat pump’s power supply MUST be disconnected before any operation. Houdt u aan de volgende specifi caties voor de stroomaansluiting van de warmtepomp. omply with the following instructions to electrically connect the heat pump.
Page 140
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machi Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communic Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication w printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
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4.2 Operating mode selector OEG GmbH is niet de fabrikant of aanbieder van deze app en aanvaardt uitdrukkelijk geen aansprakelijkheid voor de functie, veiligheid en beschikbaarheid van de app of enige Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is working and that water is circulating through 4.2 Operating mode selector...
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4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) 4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) Verwarmmodus (inverter) BELANGRIJKE OPMERKING: Controleer vooraf of de fi lterpomp WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. correct werkt.
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4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) 4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. FIX modus (alleen verwarmen) BELANGRIJKE OPMERKING: Controleer vooraf of de fi lterpomp correct werkt.
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4.5 ECO Silence Mode 4.5 ECO Silence Mode WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. ECO-rustmodus BELANGRIJKE OPMERKING: Controleer vooraf of de fi lterpomp correct werkt. Step 1: Long press Step 1: Long press to switch on your pump.
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4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) 4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Koelmodus (inverter) BELANGRIJKE OPMERKING: Controleer vooraf of de fi lterpomp correct werkt.
Page 146
4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Zo kunt u de tijdregistratie van het systeem wijzigen in lokale tijd: 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Instelling van de tijd Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Stap 1: Druk op de toets...
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Met deze functie kunt u de aan- en uitschakeltijden programmeren. Instelling van Aan-/Uit- U kunt maximaal 3 verschillende aan- en uitschakeltijden confi gureren. 4.8 Programming start/stop programma tijdschakelaar De instelling is als volgt te maken: This function is for programming the Start/Stop timing. You can programme up to 3 different Start/Stop timings. Stap 1: Houd de knop 3 seconden ingedrukt om toegang te krijgen tot de timerfuncties.
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Nadat het programma is ingesteld, kan het als volgt worden geactiveerd: 4.10 Activering van 4.9 Activating a programme 4.9 Activating a programme een programma Stap 1: Houd de knop 3 seconden ingedrukt om toegang te krijgen tot de timerfuncties. Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: Stap 2: Selecteer het programma dat u wilt activeren met de pijltjestoetsen Step 1: Long press...
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4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values De systeemparameters kunnen worden gecontroleerd en aangepast via de regeleenheid 4.12 Statuswaarden Volg de onderstaande stappen: The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps. The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps. The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps.
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BELANGRIJKE OPMERKING: Dit proces is bedoeld om toekomstige onder- 4.13 Opvragen van de houds- en reparatiewerkzaamheden te vergemakkelijken. De standaardinstel- systeemparameters lingen mogen alleen worden gewijzigd door een ervaren professional. LET OP: Elke wijziging van de gedefi nieerde instellingen maakt automatisch de garantie ongeldig.
Page 151
Druk gedurende 3 seconden op en de pijltoets om de functie geforceerd 4.14 geforceerde ontdooien te openen. ontdooifunctie code betekenis aanpassingsbereik standaard- waarde 4.15 Parametertabel instellen van de temperatuurafwijking voor 1 ~ 18 °C 1 °C de herstart gereserveerd — —...
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Ingebruikname BELANGRIJKE OPMERKING: Ingebruikname Onder normale omstandigheden kan een correct ontworpen warm- tepomp het zwembadwater in een zwembad met +1 tot +2 °C per dag verwarmen. Het is daarom heel normaal dat u in eerste instantie geen temperatuur- verschil in het systeem voelt, ook niet als de warmtepomp werkt. Een ver- warmd zwembad moet worden afgedekt om warmteverlies te voorkomen.
Page 153
Als u een circulatiepomp hebt aangesloten op de klemmen P1 en P2, wordt deze automa- Koppeling van een tisch ingeschakeld wanneer de warmtepomp draait. circulatiepomp Wanneer de warmtepomp in de standby-modus staat, wordt de recirculatiepomp met tussenpozen van stroom voorzien om de watertemperatuur in het zwembad te bewaken. Koppelingsmodus van de circulatiepomp (parameter 28) Bij het instellen van de warmtepomp schakelt de circulatiepomp in, een minuut later wordt de compressor van de warmtepomp in werking gesteld.
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Onderhoud en verzorging BELANGRIJKE OPMERKING: Voordat u onderhoudswerkzaamheden aan de Onderhoud en verzorging warmtepomp uitvoert, moet de voeding worden losgekoppeld. Reiniging De behuizing van de warmtepomp moet worden gereinigd met een vochtige doek. Het gebruik van reinigingsmiddelen of andere huishoudelijke producten kan het oppervlak van de behuizing beschadigen en de werking van de warmtepomp beïnvloeden.
Page 155
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush √ Check the earthing connections. attachment. √ Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant. qualified person at least once a year. Annual maintenance 6.2 Winter storage amp cloth.
Page 156
7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi LET OP: Onder normale omstandigheden kan een geschikte warmtepomp...
Page 157
Overzicht van storingscodes Code Storing Mogelijke oorzaak Maatregelen voor oplossing Storing waterstroomschakelaar 1. Onvoldoende hoeveelheid water in de warm- 1. Controleer de werking van het watercir- tewisselaar cuit en het openen van de bypasskleppen 2. Schakelaar niet correct aangesloten of defect 2.
Page 158
Overzicht van storingscodes Code Storing Mogelijke oorzaak Maatregelen voor oplossing IPM overstroom Storing van de IPM-module Vervang de invertermodule Compressor Compressor Vervang de compressor gereserveerd — — Fase-uitval compressor Compressoraansluitkabel niet of Controleer de aansluiting verkeerd aangesloten van de compressorkabel DC-busspanning te laag Ingangsspanning te laag / Controleer de ingangsspanning /...
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26,0 kW 31,0 kW Model: 650 001 200 / 650 001 201 Schakelschema COM INT5 INT4 INT3 INT2 INT1 water uitlaat temperatuur omgevingsluchttemperatuur condensatietemperatuur zuiggastemperatuur condensatortemperatuur waterinlaattemperaruur hogedrukgastemperatuur H FAM regelaar L FAM 4 WV Pumpe wit/rood Inverter zwembad warmtepomp...
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Für Ihre Notizen … | Notes … | Pour vos notes … | Voor uw aantekeningen … Per i vostri appunti ... | Miejsce na notatki ... Inverter zwembad warmtepomp...
Page 162
Quando vengono sostituiti componenti della pompa, assicurarsi che essi sono adatti allo scopo previsto e soddisfanno le specifiche tecniche. Possono essere utilizzate solo parti originali del produttore. In caso di dubbio, si prega di contattare OEG. Gli impianti con refrigeranti infiammabili devono essere controllati regolarmente per i seguenti punti: •...
Page 163
Avvertenze importanti Le informazioni e le raccomandazioni contenute in queste istruzioni devono essere lette attentamente e rispettate in quanto contengono importanti informazioni relative alla manipolazione e all'uso sicuro della pompa di calore. Conservare questo manuale in un luogo facilmente accessibile in modo che è possibile fare riferimento quando necessario. L'installazione deve essere eseguita da un professionista qualificato secondo le norme vigenti e rispettando le istruzioni del produttore.
Informazioni di carattere Modalità di funzionamento Sommario generale Modalità di riscaldamento (inverter) Condizioni generali di fornitura Modalità FIX (riscaldamento Sicurezza solo) Condizionamento chimico Modalità di veglia ECO dell'acqua Modalità di raff reddamento Descrizione (inverter) Volume di consegna Impostazione dell'orario Caratteristiche generali Programmazione dell'orario di accensione / spegnimento Uso previsto...
Attenzione: Leggere attentamente le istruzioni di sicurezza prima di Sicurezza mettere in funzione l'apparecchio. Le seguenti istruzioni sono rilevanti per la sicurezza e devono quindi essere rigorosamente osservate. Installazione e manutenzione Le operazioni di installazione, messa in servizio, manutenzione e riparazione devono essere effettuate da un professionista conformemente alle norme vigenti e alle istruzioni del fabbricante.
Per rendere ottimale il funzionamento e garantire un lungo ciclo di vita della pompa di calore, il pH dell’acqua deve essere mantenuto costantemente fra 6,9 e 8,0 Descrizione • Pompa di calore OEG Volume di consegna • 2 raccordi idraulici sull'ingresso/ uscita dell'acqua (Ø 50 mm) •...
• funzione di monitoraggio antigelo automatico. Le pompe a calore OEG sono destinate a scaldare l'acqua della piscina e a mantenerla a Uso previsto temperatura costante. L'acqua della piscina viene trasportata tramite una idonea pompa di ricircolo o per mezzo di una pompa filtrante attraverso la pompa a calore che provvede a scaldarla o raffreddarla.
nit dimension Dimensioni 650 001 128 650 001 130 650 001 129 650 001 181 Crystal inverter Crystal inverter Crystal inverter 650 001 183 1130 Maße in mm Dimensioni in mm Pompa di calore ad inverter per piscine...
Page 170
2.4 Unit dimension Dimensioni dimensions in mm Jetline Selection Inverter Jetline Selection Inverter 260 T 310 T 650 001 200 650 001 201 1130 1220 1130 1220 182.5 212.5 106.5 182,5 212,5 106,5 Dimensioni in mm Pompa di calore ad inverter per piscine...
Attenzione: l’installazione deve essere eff ettuata da un professionista. Installazione Le informazioni fornite in questa sezione sono solo a titolo indicativo. Perciò occorre verifi care le condizioni di installazione specifi che sul luogo di mon- taggio e, se necessario, adattarsi a queste. Materiale necessario all’installazione della vostra pompa di calore: 3.
Durante il funzionamento della pompa di calore essa è soggetta alla formazione di con- Collegamento del kit di densa. Ciò provoca un defl usso d’acqua più o meno copioso a seconda dell'umidità dell'a- scarico di condensa ria. Per scaricare l'acqua di condensa, consigliamo di installare un kit di scarico condensa. Come si installa il kit di scarico condensa? Installare la pompa di calore sollevandola di almeno 10 cm con l'ausilio dei piedini (solidi, resistenti all’umidità), quindi collegare il tubo di scarico e la boccola a corredo della pom-...
Page 176
By-Pass assembly. A By-Pass is an assembly consisting of 3 valves that regulate the flow circulating in the heat pump. During maintenance operations, the By-Pass permits the heat pump to be isolated from the system without interrupting your Realizzazione di un raccordo idraulico con il kit by pass installation.
Page 177
Schema di montaggio del kit di by-pass per una pompa di calore Collegamento idraulico y-Pass assembly for one heat pump VERSO LA PISCINA y-Pass assembly for one heat pump Impianto di condizionamento chimico automa- tizzato dell'acqua Piscina Uscita Ingresso Filtro + pompa DALLA PISCINA y-Pass assembly for more than one heat pump Schema di montaggio del kit di by-pass per più...
650 001 181 15,0 kW 17,7 A 20 A 18,0 kW 650 001 183 22,2 A 25 A 650 001 200 26,0 kW 9,8 A 16 A 400 V ~3 N 650 001 201 31,0 kW 11,6 A 16 A L'allacciamento della pompa di calore alla rete elettrica può...
AVVERTIMENTO: Connessione elettrica Prima di qualsiasi intervento, è assolutamente necessario scollegare la pompa di calore dall’alimentazione elettrica. rical connection Attenersi alle seguenti istruzioni per eff ettuare il collegamento elettrico della pompa NING: The heat pump’s power supply MUST be disconnected before any operation. di calore.
3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control 3.9 Wall-mounting the remote control Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machi Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communic Step 1: Detach the remote control from the machine. Pay attention to the communication w printed circuit board and separate them carefully.
4.1 Wired remote control 4.2 Operating mode selector 4. Use La funzionalità di telecomando per le pompe a calore OEG è disponibile sotto forma di 4.1 Wired remote control Fernbedienung der applicazione Smartphone "Comfort Life" di fornitore terzo. L'applicazione „Comfort Life“ è...
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4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) 4.3 Heating Mode (Inverter) Modalità di riscaldamento ATTENZIONE: Prima di iniziare, accertarsi che la pompa a fi ltro sia (inverter) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. funzionante.
4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) 4.4 Fix Mode (heating only) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Modalità FIX ATTENZIONE: Prima di iniziare, accertarsi che la pompa a fi ltro sia (riscaldamento solo) funzionante.
4.5 ECO Silence Mode 4.5 ECO Silence Mode WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Modalità di veglia ECO ATTENZIONE: Prima di iniziare, accertarsi che la pompa a fi ltro sia funzionante.
4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) 4.6 Cooling Mode (Inverter) WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. WARNING: Before starting, ensure that the filtration pump is operating correctly. Modalità di raff reddamento ATTENZIONE: Prima di iniziare, accertarsi che la pompa a fi ltro sia (inverter) funzionante.
4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Regolare l’orologio del sistema sull’ora locale nel seguente modo: 4.7 Setting the clock 4.7 Setting the clock Impostazione dell'orario Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Set the system clock to local time, as follows: Passo 1: Premere il pulsante...
Questa funzione consente di programmare l’ora di accensione / spegnimento della pompa Programmazione dell'orario di di calore. Si possono programmare fi no a 3 diversi orari di accensione / spegnimento. 4.8 Programming start/stop accensione / spegnimento Per impostare gli orari: This function is for programming the Start/Stop timing.
Una volta confi gurato, il programma può essere attivato procedendo come segue: 4.10 Attivazione di un programma 4.9 Activating a programme 4.9 Activating a programme Passo 1: Tenere premuto il pulsante per 3 secondi per accedere alla funzione timer. Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: Once the programme has been defined, it can be activated as follows: Passo 2: Selezionare il programma che desidera attivare con l'ausilio dei pulsanti freccia Step 1: Long press...
4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values 4.11 Status values Le impostazioni del sistema possono essere verifi cate sull'unità di comando. 4.12 Valori dello stato A questo scopo, seguire la procedura descritta di seguito: The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps. The status values can be checked via the remote control by following these steps.
ATTENZIONE: Questa operazione serve a facilitare futuri interventi di 4.13 Interrogazione dei parametri manutenzione e riparazione. Le impostazioni/confi gurazioni standard devono essere eff ettuati solo da un professionista. ATTENZIONE: Qualsiasi modifi ca non autorizzata delle impostazioni defi nite 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query 4.12 System parameter query...
Premere il pulsante e il pulsante freccia per 3 secondi per accedere alla funzione 4.14 Funzione di sbrinamento di sbrinamento forzato. forzato Codice Descrizione Intervallo di regolazione Valore standard 4.15 Tabella dei parametri Impostazione della temperatura di deviazione 1 ~ 18 °C 1 °C per il riavviamento Di riserva...
Operazione AVVERTENZA IMPORTANTE: Operazione In condizioni normali, una pompa a calore correttamente disegnata è in grado di scaldare l'acqua della piscina di +1 a +2 °C/giorno. Perciò, è assolutamente normale di non percepire inizialmente una diff e- renza di temperatura mentre la pompa sta a funzionare. Avviso: una piscina scaldata va coperta ad es.
Se si è collegata una pompa di ricircolo ai morsetti P1 e P2, questa viene alimentata auto- Servocomando di una pompa maticamente con corrente quando la pompa di calore funziona. di ricircolo Quando la pompa di calore è in modalità Standby, la pompa di ricircolo è alimentata ad intervalli regolari in modo da gestire la temperatura dell’acqua nella piscina.
Manutenzione e cura ATTENZIONE: Prima di eff ettuare operazioni di manutenzione Manutenzione e cura sull’apparecchio, occorre accertarsi di averlo staccato dalla rete e protetto contro un collegamento accidentale. Pulizia Pulire il carter della pompa di calore con un panno umido. Non utilizzare detergenti o altri prodotti per la pulizia della casa! Essi possono danneggiare il rivestimento del carter compromettendo le sue proprietà.
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush √ Check the earthing connections. attachment. √ Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant. qualified person at least once a year. Annual maintenance 6.2 Winter storage amp cloth.
7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs 7. Repairs WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming poo WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swi ATTENZIONE: In condizioni normali, una pompa di calore adeguata scalda...
Panoramica delle possibile cause Codice Guasto Cause possibili Misure correttive Guasto fl ussostato 1. Livello d'acqua troppo basso nello scambiatore 1. Verifi care la circolazione dell'acqua e di calore l'apertura delle valvole bypass 2. fl ussostato scollegato/collegamento errato o 2. collegare di nuovo il fl ussostato o sostituirlo diff etoso Protezione antigelo Attivazione della funzione antigelo quando le...
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Panoramica delle possibili cause di guastoCodice errore Codice Guasto Cause possibili Misure correttive Sovracorrente IPM (circuito integrato che Modulo IPM guasto Sostituire il modulo IPM gestisce il modulo inverter) Compressore Compressore Sostituire il compressore di riserva — — Guasto di fase compressore Cavo del compressore scollegato o collegato Verificare il collegamento del cavo del compres- erroneamente...
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26,0 kW 31,0 kW Modelli: 650 001 200 / 650 001 201 Schema elettrico COM INT5 INT4 INT3 INT2 INT1 Temperatura dell'acqua in uscita Temperatura ambiente Temperatura di liquefazione Temperatura del gas di aspirazione Temperatura condensatore Temperature di ingresso acqua...
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Für Ihre Notizen … | Notes … | Pour vos notes … Voor uw aantekeningen … | Per i vostri appunti ... Pompa di calore ad inverter per piscine...
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Für Ihre Notizen … | Notes … | Pour vos notes … Voor uw aantekeningen … | Per i vostri appunti ... Pompa di calore ad inverter per piscine...
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Für Ihre Notizen … | Notes … | Pour vos notes … Voor uw aantekeningen … | Per i vostri appunti ... Pompa di calore ad inverter per piscine...
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OEG GmbH Industriestraße 1 • D-31840 Hess. Oldendorf • Kostenfreie Bestell- und Service-Hotline: Fon 0800 6 343662 • Fax 0800 6 343292 Kostenfreie Bestell- und Service-Hotline: Fon 0800 2 81727 • Fax 0800 2 81728 Kostenfreie Bestell- und Service-Hotline: Fon 0800 5 63950 •...