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. INSTRUCTION MANUAL 10a,o Coao: Catabg .umber: GH600 KEYINFORMATION YOU SHOULDKNOW: +,The _lUOld mutt I_ in.fled belare tllmmlng or m:Iglng + if not, the motor will overhelal. . When r_ptadrig the line, u_ only .0_," dkimeler ROUND |ine - otherwi+_ the uni! will riot function pmpecb/.
Page 2
GUIDED'UTILISATIOH Moc!,_le GH600 IMI_._RTAt_5 RENSEIGNF.MENI5 . In_iall_ I_ diipolillf dc pmt_-'tll_no_'ml d'ulills_" l>_lll I_(i_ d'_it_ d_ s_rch_ull_r h molmlr, + N'uIitll_ qu_ du ROND de 1,65 mm 10065 pa I de d um_Ir_ Sinon> l'c_Jtll i_ fondbnr_¢a • Ne pm c_ncr Io t_lm du m_'_ai,.rne d'otlmml+!i+ri h ml alin de n_ p_ t _blm+ •...