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Black & Decker PHV1800 Instruction Manual

Black & Decker PHV1800 Instruction Manual

Cordless 18 volt hand vac


Wh_'_ _r.,ingel_c_tc_d epplia_ses, ba_c sein_y presuu_ormshootd aJwaysbe _ol_ow_d,
invading _
folto_ng: P_
RF.J_ _
WARNING: TO r_dUse _e risk Of fi_e,ele_f_'_ r._oc_ or inj_l_.
CIo_ s_orv_s_on is nor_r.,s_y whe_ nny opp_sese is used by ot eo_ d'_i_d_an. D _
not_itow to be used at, n toy_
Sito_::kHel.ard, TO prot._ nge3nst_sk of ole_ric, z _ shod,_- do notpu! unit o_chording
bemain w'aint or other _iquid.
• Do not use dry h_nd wc_ to pid_up I_quids, I m_c r_b_to_ce_, flemmeblo
cornb',,_UL_o tlqu_ds rush es gseolmu or use in srses whore thW rosybe I_nSa_.
• 'Do not usew_tid_ hand vats to pic_ up !mdc _ubs_nc_+
_tammal_e or r_m bu_.i_in
Eq_irJs set::h _ geso_noor _
in _e,_' who',re _O'y m_y be preserrL
Do not opomin +nthe pmr_'_= _ e_pt_ves end/o_ _morab_o fumesor _qu_d_
Shol_ H_:srd+ Do not operate _y eppiisnce wi_ o damaged cord or _hmgm Ora_ler
the appl_m'_se matlUnl_,
Is left _docm,
d_pped into wsin:ror is _meged is ony
mar_e_', Re_rn _o epp_ie_ceto eny eotha_zed service fsdlity,
,, D_ not use dry hand ve_ outdoo_ or on war_urfes_s,
" DO not _Ose _e Cord, Nev_" _rry the sh_._gor Ofbase by the c_of_ ory_k to
dlst_r_e_1 fro_ e._OLtJOt; t ns_od g_septhecheer
_'Id potlto _.ormeot.
_,_ap coKI
nw_yfrom hosted surfsse_ DOnot p_]_cordoread sheep edges Orcom_.
+ Do notn_ow#'m serd _ hang ov_ the edgeot r_ _o
or _:,unt_ o r_;uch ho'_ s _._rtaorm-
d_ott_ be _d
or mot_'_l away fromdnk_ m_d hot _Jdese_
+ Do notuse _ extormJor_
cord, Plug_0 _orgm _tre_ir_
en eZec_c_ c_oL
+ Urm the chmg_r noty In o _tm_d_rd eto¢inc_ ouLt_t ( t 20V_OHz).
+ Do not nttempt touse th_ d_orgorwith _
other pmdud,; do not_ttmnplto d_mge thL_
productwith m'_y other dnMg Or,Usa Bnlythe _a_ge_" sopp_iedby the,monufec_mr to
Keep ha._r, | nose d othJng, _J_d_i part._of body sway from opm'dng s _nd mov_ p_ts_
+ Do sot insmt et=ossories when unit is running+
• Shc_ H_rd+
Do not hm'_dte plug or =p_ence _th w_t hsnds+
" DO not pote.nyobjeot b'_to t_t epen}ng_. DO n= Use W_th _ny openings I_o_od; kemp
free ot d_ot, _nt, haJ_, _
anythingthet mW _e_oce,_lr f_OW+
+ F:+re _
Do not rectum b*_ming or smoking rnat_ft_ls, sesh as tit€_garaltebult_,
mstt:hesor hot =_'_s.
+ Do not Use on or no_ hot,_uxface_
+' Use mmn seu*,Jon whan donning on _P_,
" This uppl_n¢o _s ir_r_od tor hou_.,ohol d use _'l_y s_d not for semm_d_tl or indus,'tel
Use ot_ _,_d_'_b_
in this m_noaL Use ordy m_'_uth_ror
- Unplug the cha_gertrm'_ outlet befor_ _'_y rooSnocloturing Orm_fninnse_
" 33"d_ p roductincludes mch_r_seb|e otd<,o_ sedmi_11 t_lelie_ DO r_t _cinemto
bnlinrieo es they v,_l mq;=lodo n t highmmporotures.
", I_
from bsttmy ,'_gScan occ_tru_dor_'_odr
emo cesdRionr= If the llqu_d,
whiC_ iS a
20-35% sel_ttor_of po_+5_Jm hydrt_ide+gOL_ m the r,._ (1) Wash q_ddy v_th seep
o_ w_int Or(2) nm.,_'_tz_ with n mild odd such ns intone ju_c_or v_negm, If the li_vid
go_sinto Lhoayes, flush them tmmed_inty with risen w_ttorforu mt_mum of 10
So_k m_lczd ottooftun,
Do nof look into the _ ve_t_ whm the unit ts _,vitsho_ on+_ sc_oUmoe
the=re iso por._btlity of='n_J)deb_s b_+ngdlschnrgadfromthe_ w._, oepo_dly
nfLmdesn_ng / rep_ec_mera1 Ofthe filings ns debris i_side the un+t conbe d_utbed.
°fG_ y "_" }v_,_ " -"
; ,:_
," +_+." "_ , .,.+ ;++_++.+L_,<
r.--...+ _#


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Black & Decker PHV1800

  • Page 1 Catalog Number PHV1800 Wh_'_ _r.,ingel_c_tc_d epplia_ses, ba_c sein_y presuu_ormshootd aJwaysbe _ol_ow_d, invading _ folto_ng: P_ RF.J_ _ INSTRUCTEONS CAR_FtJL,LY B_OR_ USING THE UNIT, WARNING: TO r_dUse _e risk Of fi_e,ele_f_'_ r._oc_ or inj_l_. CIo_ s_orv_s_on is nor_r.,s_y whe_ nny opp_sese is used by ot eo_ d'_i_d_an. D _ not_itow to be used at, n toy_ Sito_::kHel.ard, TO prot._ nge3nst_sk of ole_ric, z _ shod,_- do notpu! unit o_chording bemain w'aint or other _iquid.
  • Page 2 I_mtzf=m . Lrnifw_ r_t _or'L "Botte_ no! choJoed. "Check L_[tery ¢_,3rt_ing _ equik_'nonL_ t _,Release(alnh for conlainer do_ l_ 'i - Ba_ory _1 r_t _ofg_ Cherger nm plugged - P_g 2, Container door woddng OL_eL Rotor "tmpod_n! Ctmr_i,g 3, Pivot lock release button Notes = for morn det_dL_ , Chod_ r_nnl 4 Two-speed...
  • Page 3 1. Loquet d'ouverture de fa _' 4 trappe du contenant 2..Trappe du contenant 3. Bouton de d,_blasage de pivot 4. Commutateur marchetarr_t deux vitesses MODE D'EMPLOI 5 Roue de nettoy_ge du filtre 6 indicateur de charge 7 Base de charge N °...
  • Page 4 ENTR_rlI_I N'u_li,_' qu'un d6torom'_t deux el un d_ffo_ humldc pout rmtl_ rm.<JL Ne _n_}_ lair_er de Equido p6n6ber dan_. I'etltil at n_efgor nucuno palti_ da f _li_ un li_tu}do IMPORTANT : I_O*J_ge_'_!_r ta S¢'CURIT'_ et to FJAEIIL_ I_ proBuito r_pai'edont. renvetien st lc r_glaga (uutro...
  • Page 5 INS_AL_CIdn Pm_ _od_:b" eyu_ _:_ co prodco_o, visito nuo_ _.i_[o Web _ ckm_ ddeck=_.com co_1 cc_r;a_ 0bir,,_ d_z_ d_l con]so de Sm'v_c_o m_ corcer_o O r_Ud_'_i_]iO O tl_mO e la t{n_z_ do AJUSTE DE LA _E CARGADDRA A LA PARED [FIG, ._, oyudo d_ BLACK &...

Table of Contents