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Craftsman 247.299341 Operator's Manual

Craftsman 247.299341 Operator's Manual

208cc engine front tine tiller
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I:Rl FI'SlVl N
208cc Engine
Front Tine Tiller
Model No. 247.299341
this product,
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and operating
Sears Brands
Hoffman Estates,
iL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our web site: www.craftsman.com
FORMNO. 769-08075A


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Craftsman 247.299341

  • Page 1 * OPERATION CAUTION: Before using * MAINTENANCE this product, read this * PARTS LIST manual and follow * ESPANOL safety rules and operating instructions. Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, iL 60179, U.S.A. Visit our web site: www.craftsman.com FORMNO. 769-08075A 5/29/2012...
  • Page 2 FORTWO YEARSfrom the dateof purchase,this productis warrantedagainstanydefectsin materialor workmanship. A defectiveproductwill receivefree repairor replacementif repairis unavailable. Forwarranty coverage details to obtain free repair or replacement,visit the web site:www.craftsman.com This warranty coversONLYdefects in material and workmanship. Warranty coverage does NOTinclude: •...
  • Page 3 This machinewas built to be operatedaccordingto the safe opera- This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesin this manual.As with any type of powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthe personalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessor error on the part of the operatorcan resultin yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual seriousinjury.This machineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands, beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith toes and feet and throwingdebris.
  • Page 4 Safe Handling of Gasoline: • Lookdownand behindand usecare whenin reverseor pulling machinetowardsyou. Toavoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuseextremecare in handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammableand the vaporsare • Start the engineaccordingto the instructionsfoundinthis manual explosive.Seriouspersonalinjurycan occurwhengasolineis spilled and keepfeet well awayfromthe tines at all times. on yourselfor yourclotheswhichcan ignite.Washyour skin and •...
  • Page 5 NOTICE REGARDING EMISSIONS • Do notchangethe enginegovernorsettingsor over-speed the engine.Thegovernorcontrolsthemaximumsafeoperatingspeed Engineswhich are certifiedtocomplywith Californiaand federal of engine. EPAemissionregulations for SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment) are Maintainor replacesafetyand instructionlabels,as necessary. certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and mayinclude Followthis manual f or safe loading,unloading,transporting, a nd the followingemissioncontrol systems:EngineModification (EM), storageof this machine.
  • Page 6 SAFETY SYMBOLS This pagedepictsand describessafetysymbolsthat mayappear on this product. Read,understand,and followall instructionson the machine beforeattemptingto assembleand operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble operate WARNING-- ROTATING TINES Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts.
  • Page 7 NOTE:This unit is shippedwithoutgasolineor oil in theengine.Be Hookthe "Z" end of the forwardclutchcable(A) intothe forward certainto serviceenginewith gasolineand oil as instructedin the fine engagement l ever.See Figure2. Operationsectionof this manualbeforeoperatingyourmachine. NOTE:Referenceto rightand left hand sideof the Tilleris observed fromthe operatingposition. OPENING CARTON Cut eachcornerof the cartonverticallyfromtop to bottom.
  • Page 8 Tightenthe boltsecurelyafter securingthe handlebrace.See Insertthe depthstakeassemblyintothe frameand reinstallthe Figure4. two screwsremoved earlier.Tightenthe hex bolts securely. S ee Figure6. Depth Stake Assembly Bell Washer Handle Brace Figure4 Figure6 Locatethecarriagebolt, bell washerand hand knobpackedwith yourtiller. Securethe pin with theclip removed earlier.Thedepthstakecan be placedat variouspositions.Forsetup purposesit is suggested Insertthe carriagebolt throughthe weldedbracketon the handle, that the depthstakebe assembledwith the stakejust above bell washer,handlebraceand intothe hand knob.See Figure4.
  • Page 9 SET-UP Fuel Recommendations Useautomotive gasoline(unleadedor lowleadedto minimizecombus- Checking and Adding tion chamberdeposits)with a minimumof 87 octane.Gasolinewith up to 10%ethanolor 15%MTBE(MethylTertiaryButyl Ether)can be used. Neverusean oil/gasolinemixtureor dirty gasoline.Avoidgetting Theengine is shippedwithoutoil in theengine.Youmustfill the dirt, dust,or waterinthe fuel tank.DO NOTuse E85 gasoline. enginewith oil beforeoperating.Runningthe enginewith insufficient •...
  • Page 10 ADJUSTMENTS Clutch Cable Adjustment Beforeoperatingthe tiller the adjustment o f the forwardclutchcables mustbe checked. Priorto operatingyour tiller,carefullyread and followall instructions Disconnectand groundthe sparkplug wireagainstthe engine. below.Performall adjustmentsto verifyyourtiller is operatingsafely Adjust theforwardclutchcable bylooseningthe hexnut. See and propery. Figure10. Depth Stake &...
  • Page 11 Forward Tine Engagement Lever Handle Height Adjustment Fuel Cap OU Fill Cap )th Stake & Dipstick Tiller Tines Figure10 CHOKE CONTROL Nowthat youhaveset up yourtillerfor operation,get acquainted with its controlsand features.Theseare describedon the next two pages CHOKE and illustrated o n this page.This knowledge will allowyou to useyour newequipmentto its fullestpotential.
  • Page 12 OiL FiLL CAP & DIPSTICK Standingon the sideof the unit, graspstarterhandleand pull ropeout untilyou feela drag. Engineoil levelcan be checkedand oil addedthroughtheoil fill. See Pullthe ropewith a rapid,continuous, f ull arm stroke.Keepa firm Figure10. grip on the starterhandle.Letthe rope rewindslowly. NOTE:This unitwas shippedWITHOUToil inthe engine.Oil is Repeat,if necessary,untilengine starts.Whenengine starts, included in the plasticbag packedwith the manualin with the unit.
  • Page 13 and cotterpin. See Figure12. Depth Stake The depthstakeactsas a brakeforthe tiller and controlsthe depth and speedat which the machinewill operate.Removethe clevispin and hairpinclip to raiseor lowerthe depthstake.See Figure14. Depth Stake Wheel Figure12 Yoke Back Attachthe wheelyokeso that the wheelsare towardthe rear(closest Figure14 to depthstake)for deeptilling andcultivatingby removingtheclevis ADJUSTING...
  • Page 14 CLEARING THE TINES Choosing the Correct Tine Speed With experience, youwill findthetillingdepthandtillingspeedcombina- tionthat is bestfor yourgarden.Settheenginethrottleleverat a speed Beforeclearingthetines by hand,stop theengine,allowall moving to givetheengineadequatepowerand yet allowit to operateat the slow- parts to stop and disconnectthe sparkplug wire. Failureto followthis est possiblespeeduntilyouhaveachieved themaximumtillingdepth warningcouldresult in personalinjury.
  • Page 15 Ifthe garden size will n ot p ermit lengthwise and then crosswise Terrace Gardening tilling, then overlap the first p asses by one-half atiller w idth, fol- Tocreatea terrace,startat the top of the slopeand workdown lowed b ysuccessive passes atone-quarter width.
  • Page 16 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.This chart describes Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all serviceguidelinesonly. Usethe ServiceLog columnto keeptrackof controls and stoptheengine.Waituntilall moving partshavecometo completedmaintenance tasks.To locate the nearest Sears Service a complete stop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at enginetoprevent u nintended starting. A lways wearsafety glassesduring 1-800-4-MY-HOME®.
  • Page 17 Removethespark plug bootand use a sparkplug wrenchto Servicing the Air Cleaner removethe plug.See Figure21. Neverusegasolineor lowflash point solventsfor cleaningtheair cleanerelement.A fireor explosioncould result. The air cleanerpreventsdamagingdirt, dust,etc., from enteringthe carburetorand being forcedintothe engineand is importantto engine lifeand performance.Neverrunthe enginewithoutan air cleaner completelyassembled.Checkthe air cleanerbeforeeachuse.
  • Page 18 Drainthe fuel fromthe tank by runningthe engineuntilthe fuel Check Engine tank is empty. Be surefuelfill cap is secure. Checkoil beforeeachuse. Stopengineand wait severalminutes With engine OFFbut still warm,disconnectsparkplug wireand beforecheckingoil level.With engineon levelground,the oil must keep it awayfrom sparkplug. be to FULLmarkon dipstick. Removeoil drainend cap locatedat the baseof the engine,and Referto the Assemblysectionof this manualfor instructions on drain oil intoan appropriatereceptacle.
  • Page 19 BELT REPLACEMENT Removethe belt keeperassemblylocatedbehindthe engine pulleyby removingthe two hex boltsand lockwashers.See Figure27. Beforeperforming any type of maintenanceon the machine,wait for Removethe old belt fromaroundthe transmissionpulleyand all partsto stop movingand disconnectthe spark plugwire. Failure installthe newbelt. See Figure27. to followthis instruction couldresult inpersonalinjury or property Followthe instructionsinreverseorder to re-installthe belt keeper damage.
  • Page 20 Never store t iller w ith fuel i ntank indoors orinpoorly ventilated areas I where f uel f umes may reach anopen f lame, spark, orpilot light ason a furnace,water heater,c othesdryer, or gas app ance. PREPARING THE ENGINE PREPARING THE TILLER Whenthe tillerwon't be usedfor an extendedperiod,prepareit for storageas follows:...
  • Page 21 Before performing anytype d maintenance/service, disengage all controls and stoptheengine.Waituntilall movingpartshavecometo a completestop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgroundit against t heenginetoprevent unintended starting. A lways wearsafetyglasses duringoperation or whileperforming anyadjustments or repairs. Reconnect w ire. Enginefails to start Sparkplugwire disconnected. EngineThrottleControlLeverincorrectlyset. Putleverin STARTposition. Fueltank emptyor stale fuel. Filltank with clean,fresh gasoline.
  • Page 22 Craftsman Tiller B Model No. 247.299341...
  • Page 23 Craftsman Tiller B IViodel No. 247.299341 931-1645B ClutchBail Holder 686-0081A-0637 WheelBracketAssembly 911-0415 ClevisPin, .375x 1.75 936-0140 Fiat Washer,.385x .62 x .063 714-04043 BowTie Cotter Pin 736-0242 Bell Washer,.340x .872x .060 936-0921 Lock Washer,1/2 734-04547 CompleteWheelAssy.8 x 1.75 936-3020 Flat Washer,.271x .630x .065 738-0929 ShoulderScrew,.496x 1.4453/8-16...
  • Page 24 Craftsman Tiller B IViodel No. 247.299341 _..26...
  • Page 25 Craftsman Tiller B IViodel No. 247.299341 710-3005 Hex HeadScrew,3/8-16x 1.25 986-0091 ChainCaseAssembly 711-1036A Hex Nut,5/16-18 642-0002-0637 inner TineAssembly,RH 712-0266A Jamlock Nut,3/8-16 642-0003-0637 inner TineAssembly,LH 712-3029 Nut, 1/2-20,Jam 642-0004-0637 OuterTineAssembly,RH 736-0112 Washer,.531x 1.62x .045 642-0005-0637 OuterTineAssembly,LH 936-0119 LockWasher,5/16 911-0415 ClevisPin,.375x 1.75...
  • Page 26 Craftsman Engine Model 170=VU For Tiller Model 247.299341 951-10806 Air CleanerHousing 712-04213 951-14068 Self-Tapping BoltM4.2x16 951-14069 CarbonCanister 951-14070 SilencerPlate 750-05314 RubberShock Pad 951-10794 Air FilterAssembly 951-14071 Air FilterCover 951-14072 PrimerHose 951-14073 Clamp 951-14074 ExhaustPiping...
  • Page 27 Craftsman Engine IViodel 170-VU For Tiller IViodel 247.299341 32-- 127 - Carburetor Kit - Major 710-05101 Stud M6x110 Gasket,ThrottlePlate 951-11567 CarburetorInsulatorGasket IdleSpeedAdjustingScrew MixtureScrew 951-11568 CarburetorInsulator 951-11569A CarburetorGasket Carburetor Body 951-12124 FloatPin CarburetorAssembly Emulsion Tube 951-11571 CarburetorGasketPlate NeedleValve 951-12119A CarburetorKit- Major MainJet (Incl.h,l,j,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,u,w)
  • Page 28 Craftsman Engine Model 170=VU For Tiller Model 247.299341 129- GasketKit - External 130- GasketKit- Complete 131-Complete Engine 60-_...
  • Page 29 Craftsman Engine IViodel 170=VU For Tiller IViodel 247.299341 951-12111 PistonRingSet 951-11632 PistonPin Snap Ring 951-12007 Piston 951-11633 PistonPin 710-04915 Bolt M6x12 951-11113 Air Shield 951-11573 ConnectingRodAssembly 951-11356 GovernorArm Shaft 736-04461 Washer5.2xl.9 951-11574 GovernorSeal 714-04074 CotterPin 951-11575 CamshaftAssy. 951-11369 RadialBall Bearing,6205...
  • Page 30 Craftsman Engine Model 170-VU For Tiller Model 247.299341 128 - Cylinder Head Service Kit 129 - Gasket Kit - External 130 - Gasket Kit - Complete 131 - Complete Engine...
  • Page 31 Craftsman Engine IViodel 170=VU For Tiller IViodel 247.299341 710-04968 BoltM6x16 (Incl6,8-17,19,22,29, 951-11054 ValveCover 30,46,50,51) 951-10292 726-04101 SparkPlug/F6Rtc BreatherHoseClamp 951-11572 731-07059 Gasket,CylinderHead ExhaustPiping 951-10648 PushRodKit 951-11565 ValveCoverGasket 951-11899 951-11892 Tappet RockerArmAssembly 715-04108 DowelPin 10x16 751-11124 Nut,Pivot Locking 951-10647A ValveKit 751-11123 AdjustingNut ,Valve...
  • Page 32 Craftsman Engine Model 170-VU For Tiller Model 247.299341 _124 8 -o " 951-11110 Air FlowShield 710-04940 BoltM6xlO 951-10792 IgnitionCoil Assembly 710-04919 BoltM6x25 951-10805 Flywheel 951-10934 Fan,Cooling 951-10911 Pulley,Starter 712-04209 Nut,Special,M14x1.5 710-04915 BoltM6x12 951-11583 BlowerHousing 736-04455 Washer 710-04974 BoltM6xlO 951-12418 RecoilStarter...
  • Page 33 Craftsman Engine IViodel 170-VU For Tiller IViodel 247.299341 710-04968 BoltM6x16 951-11914 DipstickDecorationCover 726-04101 710-04905 Bolt BreatherHose Clamp 951-11067 ThrottleControlKnob 710-04915 Bolt M6x12 951-12131 PrimerBracket 951-12482 DipstickAssembly 710-05103 BoltM6x12 951-11381 Oil FillTubeO-Ring 951-11585 951-11913 GovernorSpring Oil FillTubeAssembly 951-10664 951-11904 ThrottleLinkageSpring Oil FillTubeO-Ring...
  • Page 34 Craftsman Engine IViodel 170=VU For Tiller IViodel 247.299341 951-14063 StudM8x38 951-11289 ExhaustPipe Gasket 712-04214 Nut,M8 951-14067 MufflerAssembly 951-14078 ExhaustPipe Shield 951-14079 DuctBolt 951-12865 SecondaryAir Valve...
  • Page 35 Craftsman Tiller IViodel No. 247.299341 777D17067 777i23259 777123174 777S33498 777D17064 777D15447 777D15452 777S33612 777120358 777123449...
  • Page 36 (Thispage applicablein the U.S.A.and Canadaonly.) Sears Brands Management Corporation (Sears), the California Air Resources Board (CARD) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations) EMISSIONCONTROL WARRANTY COVERAGEISAPPLICABLE TO CERTI- YEAR 1997AND LATERENGINES WHICHARE PURCHASED AND USED FIEDENGINESPURCHASEDIN CALIFORNIAIN 1995ANDTHEREAF- ELSEWHERE IN THE UNITEDSTATES (ANDAFTERJANUARY1,2001 IN...
  • Page 37 Look For Relevant Emissions Durability Period and Air index information On Your Engine Emissions Label Engines that are certified to meet the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Tier 2 Emission Standards must display information regarding the Emissions Durability Period and the Air Index. Sears Brands Management Corporation makes this information available to the consumer on our emission...
  • Page 38 Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Your new Craftsman® product is designed manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all products, it may require repair from time to time. That's when having a Repair Protection Agreement can save you money and aggravation.
  • Page 39 Durantedos aSosdesdela fechade compra,este productoest,. garantizadocontracualquierdefectode materialeso manode obra. Un productodefectuosorecibirAla reparaci6no sustituci6ngratuitasi la reparaci6nno estAdisponible. Paradetalles sobre la garantia de coberturapara obtener reparaci6ngratuita o reemplazo,visite el sitio web: www.craftsman.com Esta garantias61ocubre defectos en materiaies y mano de obra. Cobertura de la garantiano inciuye: •...
  • Page 40 Esta m &quina est& d iseSada para s er u tilizada respetando las normas La presencia deeste s imbolo indica que s e trata d einstrucciones de seguridad contenidas en este m anual. AI i gual que con cualquier tipo seguridad importantes que s e deben respetar...
  • Page 41 • Si golpea algQnun objeto extra_oo si la m_quinacomienzaa emitir Manejo seguro de la gasolina: un sonidopococomL]no a vibrar,apagueel motorde inmediato. Paraevitar lesionespersonalesy da_os materialestenga muchocuidado al Desconecteel cable de labujia, p6ngalohaciendomasacontrael motor manipularla gasolina.La gasolinaes sumamenteinflamabley sus vapores y siga los pasossiguientes: puedencausarexplosiones.Si se derramagasolinaencimao sobre la ropa se puedelesionargravementeya que se puedeincendiar.
  • Page 42 ,, Observe lareglamentaci6n ylas normas respecto alaeliminaci6n AVISO REFERIDO A EMISIONES correcta de gasolina, aceite, etc. para proteger elmedic ambiente. Los motoresque est_ncertificadosy cumplencon las regulacionesde • SegQn laComisi6n de Seguridad de Productos para elConsumidor emisionesfederales EPAy de Californiapara SORE (EquiposSmall Off Road los Estados Unidos (CPSC) ylaAgencia...
  • Page 43 SiIVIBOLOS DE SEGURIDAD En esta p&ginase presentany describenlos simbolosde seguridadque puedenapareceren este producto. Lea,entienday cumplatodaslas instruccionesincluidasen la m_quinaantes de intentararmarlay utilizarla. LEA LOS MANUALES DEL OPERADOR °_ Lea, entienda y cumpla todas las instrucciones incluidas en los manuales antes de intentar armar la unidad y utilizarla.
  • Page 44 NOTA:Estaunidadse envia singasolinani aceiteen el motor.Antes Engancheel extremo"Z" del cabledel embraguede marcha de operar la m_.quina cargueel motorcongasolinay aceitecomo se directa (A) en la palancade enganchede los dientesde marcha indicaen la secci6nFuncionamiento de este manual. directa.Vea la Figura2. NOTA:Lasreferenciasa los ladosderechoe izquierdode la cultivadorase hacenobservandola m_.quina desdela posici6nde operaci6n.
  • Page 45 Asegureel pernodespu_sde ajustarla trabade la manija.Yea la Introduzca el conjunto de la estacade profundidad e n el cuadroy Figura4. volvera instalar losdostornillos quequit6antes.Aprietelostornillos hexagonales d e formasegura. V easela Figura 6. Profundidadde Perilla AsambleaStake Perno del manual Arandela Tirantedela manija camDana J Figura4 Figura6...
  • Page 46 CONFIGURACION Recomendaciones sobre el combustible Utilicegasolinaparaautom6viles(sinplomoo bajocontenidode El control y la Adici6n de Aceite plomopara minimizarlosdep6sitosen la cAmarade combusti6n)con un minimode 87 octanos.Se puedeusargasolinacon hasta un 10% de etanolo un 15%de MTBE(etermetilicoterciario-butilico).Nunca El motor seenvia sinaceite en el motor.Usteddebe Ilenarel motor use una mezda de aceitey gasolinani gasolinasucia.Eviteque se conaceiteantes de operar.El funcionamiento del motorcon el aceite introduzca s uciedad,polvoo agua en el tanquede combustible.NO...
  • Page 47 5. Vuelva acolocar latapa decombustible yapriete bien. Lirnpie Antes de utilizarel tirn6ndel ajustede loscables de ernbrague de losderrarnes decombustible antes dearrancar elmotor. Sise rnarchaadelantedebe ser revisado. derrarna combustible NO arranque elmotor. Mueva la rn_.quina Desconecte y conecteel cablede la bujia contrael motor. fueradel _.reade derrarne.Evitarla creaci6nde cualquierfuente Ajuste el cabledel ernbrague de rnarchaadelante,aflojandola de ignici6nhastaque losvaporesde combustiblese han ido.
  • Page 48 Silenciador enganche de marcha Filtro de hacia adelante de los dientes aire uste de la altura de la manija Tap6nde combustible Tap6. de de profu.didad Ilenado y varilla del nivel de aceite Dientes de la cultivadora Figura10 Ahoraque tiene la cultivadorapreparada para funcionar,farniliaricese CONTROL DE OBTURACI(DN con loscontrolesy funciones.Encontrar_.
  • Page 49 Situadoal ladode la unidad,tome la rnanijadel arrancadory tire TAPON DE LLENADO Y VARILLA DEL NIVEL de la cuerdahasta que sientaun tir6n. DE ACEITE Tire de la cuerdade rnanerar_.pida y continua.Mantenga un Es posibJe controlarel nivelde aceitedel motor,asi cornotarnbi_n ajuste firrnesobrela rnanijadel arrancador.Dejeque la cuerda agregaraceite,a travesdel Ilenadode aceite.Veala Figura10.
  • Page 50 ESTABLECIIVlIENTO DE LA PROFUNDIDAD Estaca de profundidad La estacade profundidadfuncionacornoun frenode la cultivadoray Cerci6resede que el cablede la bujia est&desconectadoy haciendo controlala profundidady la velocidada la cualfuncionala rn&quina. rnasacontra el motorantes de realizarcualquierajuste. Retireel pasadorde horquillaparasubiro bajar la estacade 3rofundidad. Vea la Figura14. Cerci6resede que el cablede la bujfaest,.
  • Page 51 LIIVIPIEZA DE LOS DIENTES Cuandolabrela tierra(rornpiendola superficiede sueloalrededor de las plantasparadestruirlas rnalezas,vea la Figura16), ajuste losdientespara cavarOnicarnente a una profundidad Antes de despejarlosdientesa rnano,detengael motor,deje que de 1 a 2 pulgadas.La labranzaa pocaprofundidadayudaa todas las partesen rnovirniento se detengany desconecteel cable evitar lesionesa las plantascuyasrafcesa rnenudocrecen de la bujia.Si no se observaesta advertenciase puedenproducir cerca de la superficie.Si es necesario,levantelas barrasde...
  • Page 52 Si las dirnensiones del jardin no perrnitenla labranzaen sentido IViodelos de labranza sugeridos longitudinaly luegotransversal,traslapelas prirneraspasadas • AI prepararel lechode siembra,recorrala rnisrnasendados por la rnitaddel anchode la cultivadora,continuando con vecesen la prirnerahilera,luegotraslapela rnitaddel anchode la sucesivaspasadasa un cuartodel ancho.Vea la Figura19. cultivadoraen el restode las pasadas.Vea la Figura17.
  • Page 53 Labranza cuesta arriba y cuesta abajo Para mantenerla erosi6ndel sueloal minimo,aseg_resede agregarsuficientemateriaorg_.nica al suelopara que mantenga un nivelde humedadadecuado, y tratede evitardejar pisadaso marcasde ruedas. AI realizarla labranzaverticalmente, t rate de hacerla primera pasadahaciaarriba ya que la cultivadoracavacon mayor profundidadcuandosubeque cuandobaja. En sueloblandoo dondehay malezas,puedeser necesarioque levantelas barras de control levemente al ir cuestaarriba.AI realizarla labranza cuestaabajo,traslapela primerapasadaen aproximadamente la...
  • Page 54 PROGRAMA DE MANTENIMIENTO Siga el cronograrna de rnantenirniento que se presentaa continuaci6n. Antesde realizar c ualquier t ipode rnantenirniento o servicio, Estatabla s61o describepautasde servicio.Utilicela colurnnaRegistro desenganche todosloscontroles y detenga el motor. E sperea quese de Serviciopara hacerel seguirniento de lastareas de rnantenirniento detengan cornpletarnente todaslaspiezasrn6viles.
  • Page 55 Retirela fundade bujia y utiliceuna Ilavepara bujiaspara extraer IVlantenimiento del filtro de aire. la bujia.Veala Figura21. Nuncausegasolinao solventes de puntode encendidobajo para lirnpiarel elernentodel depuradorde aire. Podriaproducirseun incendioo ex.plosi6n. El filtro de aire evita el ingresoal carburadorde suciedad,polvo, etc. perjudiciales y evitaque losmisrnosseanintroducidosdentro del motor.Adern_.s, dichofiltro es irnportante para la vidaOtily el Bqjia de rendirniento del motor.Noponganuncaen funcionarniento el motorsin...
  • Page 56 Vacieel combustible del tanquehaciendofuncionarel motor Inspeccione el aceite del motor hasta que el tanquede combustible est_ vado. Cerci6resede Reviseel aceiteantes de cadauso. Pareel motory espereunos que el tap6nde Ilenadodel combustibleestAbienajustado. minutosantesde comprobarel nivelde aceite.Conel motora Con el motorapagadopero todaviacaliente,desconecte el cable niveldel suelo,el aceite debeser de marcaFULLen la varilla.
  • Page 57 CAMBIO DE CORREA Retireel conjuntodel guardacorreas de la correaubicadodetr_s de la poleadel motor extrayendolosdos pernoshexagonales y lasarandelasde seguridad.Vea la Figura27. Extraigala correausadade alrededorde la poleade transrnisi6n Antesde Ilevara cabo alg_ntipo de rnantenirniento en la rn&quina, e instale la nuevacorrea. Vea la Figura27. deje que todas las piezassedetengany desconecte el cablede la Sigalas instruccionesen orden inversapara reinstalar el bujia.
  • Page 58 Nunca alrnacene lacultivadora con combustible eneltanque enun espacio cerrado oen_.reas poco v entiladas donde l osgases del combustible puedan Negar auna Narna expuesta, una chispa oun piloto c orno e lque tienen algunos hornos, calentadores deagua, secadores deropa o algQn artefacto agas.
  • Page 59 Antesde realizar c ualquiertipode rnantenirniento o servicio, d esenganche t odosloscontroles y detenga el motor.Esperea que sedetengan cornpletarnente todaslaspiezasrn6viles. D esconecte e l cablede la b@ay p6ngalohaciendo rnasacontrael motorparaevitarqueseenciendaaccidentalrnente. Utilicesiernpre anteojos de seguridad durantelaoperaci6n o rnientras realizaajustes o reparaciones. El motor no arranca Reconecteel cable.
  • Page 61 (Esta p_.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada.). Sears Brands Management Corporation, el Consejo de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) y la Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (EPA) Declaraci6n de garantia del sistema de control de emisiones (derechos y obligaciones de la garanfia de defectos del propi= etario)
  • Page 62 Busque el periodo de duraci6n de emisiones importantes yla informaci6n de clasificaci6n de aire en la etiqueta de emisiones de su motor Los motores cuyo cumpiimiento con los estAndares de emisi6n Tier 2 de la Comisi6n de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) est6 certificado deben exhibir la informaci6n relacionada con el periodo de duraci6n de ias emisiones y la clasificaci6n de aire.
  • Page 63 Felicitaciones por haber realizado una adquisici6n inteligente. El producto Craftsman® que ha adquirido esta diseSado y fabricado para brindar muchos aSos de funcionamiento confiable. Pero como todos los productos a veces puede requerir de reparaciones. Es en ese momento cuando...
  • Page 64 Your Home For troubleshooting, product manuals and expert advice: managernylife www.managemylife.com For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself.

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