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Energy-saving Tips Features Surface t ooting Oven tooting How tooperate the — self-cleaning oven Questions? Use theProblem Solver p26 YourDirect Line The GE&wer Cenwf 800.626.2000 from the best &neml Electric Use andCare of model JBP28G...
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Thesenumbersare also on the ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCard that camewith yourrange.Beforesendingin this card, pleasewritethesenumbers here: ModelNumber SerialNumber Use these numbersin any correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourrange. Immediatelycontactthe dealer(or builder)that soldyouthe range. save t ime nloneye Beforeyourequest serticeo Checkthe ProblemSolveron page26.It listscausesof minor operatingproblemsthatyoucan...
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~ Don9tattempt to repair or replace my part of your range dess it is Specwldly recommended k this book. Al other servicingshouldbe re~rred to a qualified technician. cMdren done-...
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W the cen~r of the range without extending over nearby surface uni@. * ~w2ystirn smface ht before rernovhg utemil. @ Wep w eye on foods bebg fried at ~GH or WD~ heab.
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Therangeshouldbe instaIledon a sheetofplywood(or similar material)as follows:Whenthe floor coveringends at the front of the areathatthe range fh~ra~~ge, willrest on shouldbe builtup with plywoodto the samelevelor higher thanthe floor covering.This will allowthe rangeto be movedfor cleaningor servicing. Iing the Range...
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Features Y our Range Featwe hdex 1 Modeland SerialNumbers 2 SurfaceUnitControls 3 Sensi-Temp Control 4 “ON” IndicatorLightsfor SurfaceUnits I 5 OvenSetControl 6 OvenTempControl 7 OvenCyclingLight 8 AutomaticOvenTimer,Clock and MinuteTimer [ 9 Door LockedLight 10 SolidElementSufiaceUnit 11 Sensi-Temp SurfaceUnit Expltined on page...
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kfomu*Ym Coobp mtimme t he Thetop workingsurfaceof thenewsolidelementshavea protectivecoatingwhichmustbe hardened before usingtheelemen~ forthe first time.Tohardenthis coating,the elementsshouldbe heatedwithouta pan for a short periodof time(regularelements at HI settingand Sensi-Temp elementat maximumsetting for 3 to 5 minutes). Therewillbe somesmokeand odor; thisis normal.It is non- toxicand completelyharmless.
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~~~~~C~ COOti~g (continual) Yoursurfaceunitsand controlsare designedto giveyouan infinite choiceof heat settingsfor surface unitcooking. Atboth OFF andHI settings,there is a slightniche.Whenturningthe controlknobto eitherof these positions,youwillfeel the control “click”intothe niche. Whencookingin a quietkitchen, youmayhear slight“clicking” sounds-an indicationthattheheat settingsyouselectedare being maintained. Switchingheatsto highersettings alwaysresultsin a quickerchange thanswitchingto lowersettings.
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ToReceive Mmhm — Performance f romYour SolidElement ~Forcooking, t heuseof appropriate utensilsis important. @ Goodutensilshavea thick,flat bottomwhichabsorbstheheatfrom theelement.Thethick, flatbottom providesgoodheatdistribution fromtheelementto the food.This cookingprocessrequireslittle water,fat andelectricity. ~Utensilswiththin, uneven bottomsdo notadequatelyutilize theheatcomingfromtheelement. Thefoodto be cookedmaybumand requiremoretimeandelectricity. Youwouldalsohaveto addmore fator water. ~Use onlypansof goodquality the solidelements.Theyshould avea stablebottom,slightly concave towardsthe center,just enough...
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oHome Cantiw shouldbe doneon Canning cooMoponly. In surfacecooking,the use of cookwareextendingmorethan l-inchbeyondedgeof cooking element’s trim ringis not recommended. H owever, w hen canningwith water-bathor pressurecanner,larger-diameter cookwaremaybe used. Thisis becauseboilingwatertemperatures (evenunderpressure)are not harmfulto cooktopsurfaces surroundingthe cookingelement. HOWEVER,DO NOTUSE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OROTHERLARGEDIAMETER UTENSILSFORFRYINGOR BOILINGFOODSCYT’HER THANWATER.
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Automatic ~mer andClock TheAutomaticTimerand Clockon yourrangeare helpfuldevicesthat serveseveralpurposes. clock ~ SET THE CLOCK,push the center knob in and turn theclock handsto the correcttime. (The MinuteTimerpointerwillmove also,let knobout, turn the Timer pointerto OFF.) ~mer TO~~~~i~~~e TheMinuteTimerhas been combinedwiththe RangeClock. Useit to time allyourprecise cookingoperations.You’ll recognizethe MinuteTimeras the pointerwhichis differentin color...
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Whencookinga foodfor the first timein yournewoven,usethe time givenon recipesas a guide.Oven thermostatsmay “drift” fromthe factorysettingoverthe years,and 5-to 10-minute d ifferences i n timing betweenan oldandnewovenarenot unusual.Youmightthinkyournew ovenis notperformingcorrectly; however, i t has beenset correctlyat thefactoryandis more likelyto be accuratethan the ovenit replaced. 1.
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1. Aluminumpansconductheat quickly. F or mostconventional ~ting, light,shinyftishes generally givebestresultsbecausethey preventoverbrowning. D ull(satin- finish)bottomsurfacesof pansare recommended for cakepansand pieplatesto be surethoseareas browncompletely. Contiiner Food Bread Biscuits(lA-in.thick) ShinyCookieSheet Coffeecake ShinyMeti Panwithsatin-finish bottom Cornbreador ~fflns CastIronor Glass Gingerbread ShinyMeta3 Panwithsatin-finish bottom Muffins ShinyMetalMuffinPans Popovers ShinyMetalMuffinPans...
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Roasting Roasting is cookingbydryheat. Tendermeator poultrycanbe roasteduncovered inyouroven. Roasting temperatures, w hich shouldbelowandsteady, k eep spatteringtoa minimum.When roasting,it isnotnecessaryto sear,baste,coveror addwater toyourmeat. Roastingisreallyabaking procedure usedformeats.Therefore, ovencontrolsaresetto BAKEor TIMEBAKE.(Youmayheara slightclickingsound,indicating the ovenis workingproperly.)Roasting iseasy;just followthesesteps: Step 1:Checkweightofmeat,and place,fatsideup,onroastingrack in a shallowpan. (Broilerpanwith rackis a goodpanforthis.)Line broilerpanwithdurninumfoilwhen usingpan formarinating, c ooking...
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oRoasting Guide — Roasting 1. Positionovenshelfat B for small-sizeroasts(3 to 7 lbs.) and A for largerroasts. 2. Placemeatfat-sideup, or poultry breast-sideup, on broilerpanor othershallowpan withtrivet.Do notcover.Do notstuffpoultryuntil just beforeroasting.Use meat probefor moreaccuratedoneness. (Do notplaceprobein stuffing.) Meat Tendercuts;rib, highqualitysirlointip, rumpor topround* LambLegor bone-inshoulder* Vealshoulder, l egor loin* Porkloin,rib or shoulder*...
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Broiling Broilingis cookingfoodbyintense radiantheatfromthe upperunitin theoven.Mostfish and tendercuts ofmeatcan be broiled. FO11OW thesestepsto keepspatteringand smokingto a minimum. If meathasfator gristlenear Step 1: edge,cut verticalslashesthrough bothabout2“apart. If desired,fat maybe trimmed,leavinglayer about1/8”thick. Step2: Placemeaton broilerrack in broilerpan. Alwaysuserackso fatdripsintobroilerpan; otherwise juicesmaybecomehotenough to catchti.
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BroiBing 1. Alwaysusebroilerpanandrack thatcomeswithyouroven.It is designedto minimizesmokingand spatteringbytrappingjuicesin the shieldedlowerpart of the pan. 2. Ovendoor shouldbe ajarfor all foodsexceptchicken;thereis a specialpositionon door which holdsdoor opencorrectly. 3. For steaksandchops,slashfat evenlyaroundoutsideedgesofmeat. Quantity and/or Food Thickness Bacon ‘A-lb. ( about8 thinslices) l-lb. (4patiies) Ground Beef WellDone 1A to %-in.thick...
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Makesureboththe rangeclock andthe DELAYSTART dialshow the correcttime of day.Whenthe DELAYSTART knobis pushedin and turned,it will “pop” intoplace whenthetime shownon the range clockis reached. oD~ide oncleaning hoursnecessary. Recommended cleaningtimefor a heavily-soiled ovenwithheavy, g reasy sDatter is 3 hours;for a moderately- s~iledovenwiththinspillsandlight spatteris 2 hours.
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FOIIOW TheseStipsafkr Self-Cleani~ Afiercleaningis complete,the doorwillstaylockeduntiltheoven coolsandthe DOORLOCKED lightgoesoff. Thistakesabout 30 minutes. step WhenDOORLOCKEDlightis off, rotateLA~H HANDLEto its originalpositionand openthedoor. Step TurnOVENSETknobto OFF. Step ~: TW OVENTEMPknobto WM. QuewiomandAmwers Q. Whywon’tmyovenclean immediatelyeventhoughI set all the timeandcleanknobs correctly? A. Checkto be sureyourDELAY START dial is setto the sametime as the rangeclock.Alsocheckto be sureLATCHHANDLEis in...
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A,.lL Uulu. replaceImp: use a high ‘Fo temperatureappliancebulbof same sizeandwattage as original.Replace thelampcoverandrescrewit back intoplace. ReconnWtelectrical powerto the range. Removable O venDoor Toremove thedoor,opencompletely, pressdownlightiyondoorand slide rd on each hingekeepersfo hingeto lockt e dooropen. Graspthedooron bothsidesmidway betw~enthetop andbottom.Close the doorhalfway(45°)andIifiuntil...
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Questions? Thk Roblem Solver PROBLEM OVENWILLN~ WORK OVENLIGHT DOESNOTWORK FOODDOESNOT BROILPROPERLY ~@ Necessarypreheating was notdone. ~ @ Aluminumfoilusedon the broilpan rackhas notbeenfittedproperlyand slit as reco~ended. FOOD DOESN~ ROAST $ OVENSETknobnot set on BA’~. OR BAKEPROPERLY ~. 6 VEN TEMPbob not set correctly. * Shelfpositionis incorrect.CheckR,oasting o r BakingGuide.
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need help.. .Cau, more service HYOU Need Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty ontheback pageofthis book. $IVreproud of our serviceand ~tmtyouto be pleased.If for some reasonyou are nothappywiththe serviceyou receive,here are three stepsto followfor further help. FIRST,contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance.Explain ~~hy y ouare notpleased.IrImost cases,this willsolvethe problem. ,<...
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. Improperinstallation. If youhavean installationproblem, contactyourdealeror installer. Youare responsiblefor providing adequate electrical,gas,. e xhausting andotherconnectingfacilities. Warrantor: G eneralElectricCompany — GE NE RALe ELECTRIC Thiswarrantyis extendedto the originalpurchaserandany succeedingownerfor products purchasedfor ordinaryhomeuse in the mainlandstates,Hawaii andWashington,D.C.InAlaskathe warrantyis the sameexceptthat it is...