Safety Buzzer
Setting Safety Buzzer allows you to use W62P
as high volume emergency buzzer by holding
for about one second while the
standby screen is displayed.
To turn on Safety Buzzer
While the standby screen is displayed, press c532 ,
and press 1 (ON). Input the lock No., and press c (OK).
To stop Safety Buzzer
To stop Safety Buzzer, input the lock No., and press c (OK).
You cannot turn off W62P or perform any other operation while the Safety
Buzzer is sounding. The Safety Buzzer will continue to sound until you input
the lock No. or the battery fully discharges.
While connected with Matsushita round-type earphone jack conversion
adaptor 02 and stereo earphone MDR-E0921 by SONY/fl at-type earphone-
microphone with switch (option)/fl at-type stereo earphone-microphone
(option), Safety Buzzer sounds through W62P speaker.
Even with Manner Mode set, Safety Buzzer Sounds.