ABOUT THIS MANUAL This booklet provides instructions for using an industry standard single line telephone set with the SAMSUNG DCS. Avariety of single line sets f rom many diff e rent manufacturers are available. Check with your ser- vice and installation company to ensure proper operation with the SAMSUNG DCS system.
THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW USER ORIENTATION Lifting the handset on your telephone will provide SAMSUNG DCS dial tone. This is also re f e r red to as internal or intercom dial tone. To get an outside line from the telephone company, dial an access code, usual- ly the digit “0.”...
DISTINCTIVE RINGING SAMSUNG DCS provides distinctive ring patterns to your phone: • Outside calls have a single ring tone re p e a t e d ; • Intercom calls have a double ring tone re p e a t e d ;...
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Confirmation To n e – Very short beeps followed by dialing tone indi- cates you have correctly set or canceled a system feature . E r ror To n e – A distinctive two level beeping tone indicates you have done something incorre c t l y.
UTSIDE CALLS MAKING AN OUTSIDE CALL • Lift the handset and receive internal dial tone. • Dial a C.O. line or line group access code. • Receive outside dial tone and then dial the telephone number. • Finish the call by replacing the handset. If your system is programmed to re q u i re an A U T H O R I Z ATION code b e f o re making a call: •...
SENDING A FLASH While you are on an outside call, hookflash, receive transfer tone and dial 4 9 to send a flash to the telephone company. This may be re q u i re d for some custom calling features or CENTREX lines. RECALL DIAL TONE Hookflash and then dial 1 8 to disconnect your outside call and re c e i v e telephone company dial tone for a new call.
NTERCOM CALLS CALLING OTHER STATIONS • Lift the handset. • Dial the extension number or group number. • Wait for the party to answer. • If you hear several brief tone bursts instead of ringback tone, the station you called is set for Voice Announce or Auto A n s w e r. •...
want to wait for a call back: • Hookflash,receive transfer tone and dial 4 5. • The called station will receive off-hook ring or camp-on tone. • You will hear ringback tone. • Wait for the called party to answer. The called station must release its first call or put it on hold before answering your camp-on.
CALL PROCESSING HOLDING CALLS • When you are connected to any call, hookflash, receive transfer tone and dial 11. The call will now be on hold. You may now make or receive a second call. • To take the caller off hold, lift the handset and dial 11. You are now connected to the call.
with another extension: • Hookflash and receive transfer tone. Your call is placed on trans- fer hold. • Dial an extension number. • Consult with the internal party. • Hookflash to return to the outside party or hang up to transfer the c a l l .
tone and then dial an extension number. Your call is automatically put on transfer hold. • Hang up when you hear a busy signal. The called party will be alerted that a call is waiting. TRANSFER RECALL All calls that you have transferred (screened, unscreened and camped- on) will automatically recall to your station if they are not answered in a pre p rogrammed period of time.
To drop a party from your conference call: • H o o k f l a s h , recieve confirmation tone and dial the extension or line number that is to be dro p p e d . • Receive conference tone and dial 4 6 to rejoin the other parties. NOTES: To leave the conference, hang up.
FORWARD BUSY To forward calls to another station when you are on the phone: • Lift the handset and then dial 6 0 2 plus the extension or gro u p n u m b e r. • Receive confirmation tone and hang up. To cancel the Forward Busy, lift the handset and dial 600 –...
• Receive confirmation tone and hang up. To cancel Forward Follow Me, lift the handset and dial 6 0 0 – O R – d i a l another forward code, e.g., 6 0 1. STATION CALL PICK-UP To pick up (answer) a call ringing at another station: •...
A LLING FEATURES SPEED DIALLING You can dial a pre p rogrammed telephone number stored in the system- wide speed dial list of numbers 500999 or from your personal list of numbers 0049. • Lift the handset and then dial 1 6. •...
LAST NUMBER REDIAL To redial the last telephone number you have dialled: • Lift the handset and dial 1 9. NOTE: Redial does not apply to intercom calls. SAVE NUMBER WITH REDIAL To save the number you have just dialled for later use: •...
PAGING AND MESSAGING MAKING AN INTERNAL PAGE To make an announcement through the keyset speakers: • Lift the handset. • Dial 5 5 plus the zone number 1, 2, 3 or 4 – OR – dial 55 plus 0 t o page all internal zones.
CALL PARK AND PAGE When you have an outside call for someone who is not at his/her desk, you can park the call and page the requested party: • While in conversation, hookflash and dial 5 5. The call is automat- ically parked at your station.
RETURNING MESSAGES When you lift the handset and receive special dial tone, another station has left a message for you. To return messages: • Lift the handset. • Dial 4 3. The first station that left you a message will be called a u t o m a t i c a l l y.
CONVENIENCE FEATURES DO NOT DISTURB Use Do Not Disturb (DND) when you want to block calls to your keyset: • Lift the handset and then dial 4 0 1. • To cancel DND, lift the handset and then dial 4 0 0. You are able to make calls while in the DND mode.
CALLING THE DOOR PHONE (ROOM MONITORING) You can call the door phone and listen to what is happening outside or in another ro o m . • Lift the handset and then dial the extension number of the door box. •...
ACCOUNT CODES When it is equipped with optional equipment, your SAMSUNG DCS system allow calls to be charged to diff e rent accounts. You can enter an account code in two ways. To enter an account code by interrupting the c o n v e r s a t i o n : •...
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name and assign that name to a personal speed bin. This feature can be accessed only by a dial code. When you are re c o rding a name, do not pause between the first and last names because the system will interpre t the pause as the end of re c o rding.
CUSTOMIZING YOUR PHONE CHANGE YOUR PASSCODE F rom the factory, your station passcode is 1234. You can change your station passcode whenever you desire. • Go off-hook, dial 1 5 and then dial 1 0 1. • Dial your old passcode. •...