The DCS system arrives from the factory with default data. Connect it to trunks, stations and power, turn the
system on and it is fully operational. The only thing left to do is customize the data to fit the customer's needs.
This is called programming the system.
MMC stands for Man Machine Code and each program is assigned a different three digit code. These MMC
codes are used to view, create or change customer data. Programming is simply deciding what needs to be
done and knowing which MMC is used to do it. For example, use MMC 601 to create a station group. System
speed dial numbers are entered in MMC 705 and soft keys are assigned to individual keysets using MMC
System programming may be done from any LCD 12B, LCD 24B (Euro style), Falcon 18B or Falcon 28B
keyset or via a PC using PCMMC software. The first thing you must do is open system programming. As a
security measure, a passcode must be entered to do this. Figure 1–1 illustrates the keys on a display keyset
that have special functions during programming. When required, these keys will be referred to by the names
described in the diagram.
There are three levels of programming: SYSTEM, CUSTOMER and STATION. System and customer levels
are under passcode protection while station programming does not require a passcode.
To prevent conflicting data from being entered, only one person at a time can enter programming with the
technician or customer passcode. While programming is in progress, normal system operation is not
affected. For your convenience, the system displays [xxx IN PGM MODE] when another keyset is in the
program mode.
A. System level
This level is entered via MMC 800 and requires the technician level passcode. It allows access to all system
programs, station programs and maintenance programs.
B. Customer level
This level is entered via MMC 200 and requires the customer passcode. It allows access to station programs
and system programs allowed by the technician in MMC 802. When using the customer passcode to access
station programs, data for all stations can be viewed or changed.
NOTE: When the system is programmed for multiple tenant use, each tenant has an individual customer
passcode enabled in MMC 201. The access for tenant passcode is limited to only certain MMCs. See MMC
201 for more details.
After opening programming with the customer passcode, you must press TRSF to exit. Now press TRSF and
the MMC number you wish to access.
C. Station level
All keysets can access station programs 102 ~ 119 without using a passcode. Each user can only change
station data for his/her own keyset.
When the LCD 12B, LCD18B, LCD24B or LCD 28B keyset is in programming, the display shows instructions,
prompts and choices. Existing data is always displayed before it can be changed. The keystroke sequence
for each MMC is detailed in the following pages.
Page 1 of 280 DCS & DX I&M
August 2001